"Metaheuristics, Optimization and
Jin-Kao Hao
Full Professor (Computer Science)
(Professeur des
Universités de classe exceptionnelle)
of Angers
Institut Universitaire de
(Senior Fellow 2015)
(Former Director)
Faculty of Sciences - University
of Angers
Boulevard Lavoisier, 49045 Angers
Cedex 01 - France
(+33) 2 41 73 50 76, Fax: (+33) 2 41 73 50 73
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8813-4377
& intelligent
computing, learning-driven combinatorial
optimization, constraint
solving and constrained
optimization, data
mining and artificial intelligence, and applications (timetabling,
resource planning, transportation, mobile networks,
Our work is about search
algorithms and methods for solving large-scale
combinatorial problems. We are
especially interested in metaheuristics and hybrid approaches combined
with machine learning and data mining techniques.
Target applications
concern those highly combinatorial and strongly constrained problems
which cannot be solved other ways. Typical examples of such
applications include resource assignment, planning, scheduling and
re-scheduling, timetabling, routing...
Our research aims
to develop high performance methods for applications including:
- Traveling salesman and routing problems
- integrated vehicle and driver scheduling
- timetabling, nurse rostering and project scheduling
- constrained Steiner tree problems and quadratic spanning
- community detection in complex networks
- frequency assignment for mobile radio networks (with France
- antenna positioning for mobile radio networks (European
Esprit IV project)
- inferring autonomous system relationships in the Internet
(with France Telecom R&D)
- photograph scheduling of an earth observation satellite
(application of CNES)
- optimization of BSS architecture (with Bouygues
- combinatorial auctions
- sports league scheduling and progressive party problem
for general
NP-hard problems such as:
- Graph coloring problems: vertex coloring, weighted vertex
coloring, (set) T-coloring, bandwidth coloring, sum
coloring and equitable coloring
- Clique problems: maximum clique, maximum weight clique,
maximum balanced bi-clique, maximum s-plex
- Graph partitioning: graph bisection, max-cut, vertex
separator, clique-partitioning, conductance minimization
- Multidimensional knapsack, multiple-choice multidimensional
knapsack; set union knapsack
- Constrained Steiner tree problems, quadratic minimum
tree problem
- Dispersion/diversity
problems: maximum diversity, maximally diverse grouping, max-min
diversity, minimum differential dispersion
- Quadratic optimization: unconstrained binary
problem, quadratic
assignment, quadratic knapsack
- (Maximal) constraint satisfaction problems (CSP and MCSP)
satisfiability (SAT and Max-SAT)
- Linear arrangement, linear ordering and bandwidth and
cyclic bandwidth minimization
- 2D strip packing
research topics
include systematic search, multiobjective optimization, general purpose
solvers based on heuristics,
and fundamental issues (landscapes, search space analysis, distribution
local optima...).
We also worked on combinatorial
problems encountered in Bioinformatics such as biomakers
identification and regulation
networks, gene selection, classification and biclustering
microarray data and phylogeny reconstruction with maximum parsimony.
grants and contracts
- Machine learning and optimization for time-ordered
data analytics (CIFRE with Thales
DMS France, 2022-2025)
- Machine learning meets
optimization (PHC
Cai Yuanpei Sino-French Program, 2018-2021)
- Operations and projects planning (CIFRE with GéPi Conseil,
- Identification of
biomarkers using integration of omics data (PHC
Cai Yuanpei Sino-French Program, 2011-2013)
- Adaptive and intelligent search for optimization (Pays de
La Loire Regional Project, 2009-2013)
- LigeRO (Operations research) (Pays de
La Loire Regional Project, 2009-2013)
- PGMO (Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization and operations
research, 2013-2015)
- Actions planning (CIFRE
with GéPi Conseil,
- BIL (BioInformatique Ligérienne, Pays de La
Loire Regional Project 2007-2011)
- Integrated Vehicule and
Crew Scheduling (CIFRE with PERINFO
SA, 2004-2007, 2005-2008)
- Inference of Autonomous System Relationships in the
Internet (France Telecom R&D, 2005-2006)
- Network design and topology optimization (France Telecom
R&D, 2006-2008)
- Post-Genome (Bioinformatics, 2000-2006)
- Ouest Genopole (Bioinformatics, since 2001)
- Parallel metaheuristics for combinatorial problem solving
(Franco-Mexican Joint Lab in Computer Science LAFMI, 2005-2006)
- Meta-heuristics for
uncertain optimization (PRA
- Meteor (Migration &
Evolution of Telecom Equipment through Operations Research, RNRT,
- Mobile radio networks: planning, evolution and optimization
(CNRS Telecoms Programme, 2000-2001)
- Optimization and decision making in cork industry (CIFRE
with SABATE, 1999-2002)
- ARNO (Algorithms for Radio
Network Optimisation, ESPRIT
4, No. 23243, 1997-1999)
- FAP I & II (Frequency assignment for mobile radio
networks, CNET - France Telecom, 1994-1997)
- OPT (Modern heuristics for optimisation, ANVAR, 1996-1997)
Ph.D and
Post-doc supervision
PhD students
- Thibaut Bellanger (Regional scholarship Dec. 2023-Dec. 2026, co-supervised by Prof. Manuel Clergue and Dr. Matthieu Le Berre, ESIEA Laval)
- Zhenyu Lei (CSC scholarship, graduate of Polytech'Nantes and Ocean
University of China, PhD from Oct 2022)
- Heichao Liu (CSC scholarship Dec. 2022-Dec. 2024, co-supervised by Prof. Yang Wang, Northwestern Polytechnical University)
- Jean Pinsolle (Indutrial Doctoral CIFRE Grant with Thales DMS France, graduate of
Ecole Centrale Marseille, PhD from April. 2022, co-supervised by Dr. Cyrille Enderli and Dr.
Olivier Goudet)
- Yuji Zou (CSC scholarship, graduate of Chongqing University, PhD from Oct 2021)
PhD students
- Wei Yang (2023-2025,
from Northwestern Polytechnical University, supervised by Prof. Yang Wang)
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Ph.D students
- Wassim
Ayadi (Assistant Professor at
University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia,
PhD study Oct 2008 - Dec. 2011, co-supervisor M. Elloumi)
- Vincent Barichard (Associate
at the
University of Angers, PhD study in Oct 2000 - Nov. 2003, graduate
University of Angers)
- Meriema Belaidouni (PhD defense in 2001, graduate of the
University of Houari Boumediene, Algeria)
- Una Benlic (Research Fellow, Tesco PLC, London, UK,
PhD study Oct 2009 - Sept. 2012)
- Edmondo Bonilla Huerta (Associate
Professor at the Instituto
Tecnologico Apizaco, Tlaxcala, Mexico, PhD study Nov. 2004 - Nov.
2008, Mexican COSNET
scholarship, graduate
of the
Instituto Tecnologico Apizaco, co-supervisor
B. Duval)
- Marc-Olivier Buob (Research Engineer at Nokia Bell Labs,
PhD defense in
November 2008, France
Telecom R&D research scholarship, graduate of
the Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Informatique pour
l'Industrie et l'Entreprise (ENSIIE), Paris, co-supervisor
J.L. Lutton, France Telecom R&D)
- Brahim Chabane (R&D Engineer, PhD Nov.
2013 - Dec
2017, Industrial research grant
co-supervisor Dr. M. Basseur)
- Alain
Chabrier (Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) for Decision
Optimization, IBM, PhD
defense in
2003, graduate of
the Ecole
Polytechnique, Paris)
- Yuning Chen (Associate
Professor at the National
University of Defense Technology,
China, CSC scholarship, graduate of
study Oct. 2012 - May 2016)
- Daniela
Claro (Associate Professor, Universidade Federal da Bahia,
Brasil, co-supervisor P. Albers, PhD Oct. 2003 - Nov. 2006, graduate of
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)
- Herve Deleau (Research Engineer at University of Reims
Champagne-Ardenne, PhD defense
in 2005, graduate of
University of Amiens, co-supervisor F.
- Vincent Derrien (Assistant Professor at the
Higher Engineering School ESIGELEC,
scholarship, graduate of the University of
Angers, PhD defense in
2008, co-supervisor J.M. Richer)
- Raphaël Dorne (Senior research scientist at
British Telecom's Advanced Communications Technology Centre, Suffolk,
U.K., PhD defense in 1998, graduate
of the University of Montpellier II)
- Olivier Gach
(Lecturer at IUT Le Mans, co-supervisor Pr.
Dominique Py, PhD Oct. 2010 - December 2013)
- Philippe
Galinier (Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique de
Montreal, Canada, PhD defense in 1999, graduate
of University of Montpellier II)
- Adrien Goëffon (Professor at the University of Angers,
co-supervisor J.M. Richer, PhD Oct. 2003 - Nov. 2006, graduate
of the University of Angers)
- Giglia Gomez-Villouta
(Professor at the Universidad of Valparaiso, Chile, co-supervisor J.P. Hamiez, PhD defense in
Sept 2010)
- Valérie Guihaire
(R&D Engineer at PERINFO SA, PhD defense in December 2009, Industrial research grant CIFRE with PERINFO SA, graduate
the Universite Catholique de l'Ouest).
- Cyril Grelier (Research Engineer at University of Angers, PhD Oct 2000 - Dec. 2023, co-supervisor Dr.
Olivier Goudet, graduate of the University of Angers)
- Jean-Philippe Hamiez (Associate
Professor at University of Angers, PhD defense in
2002, graduate of
University of Amiens)
- Pengfei He (Associate Research Fellow, Southeast University, School of Automation, PhD Oct 2019 - Oct. 2022, CSC scholarship, graduate
of Nanjing
Agricultural University, Collage of information management)
- José Crispin
Hernandez Hernandez (Associate Professor at the Instituto Tecnologico Apizaco, Tlaxcala,
Mexico, PhD Nov. 2004 - Nov. 2008, Mexican COSNET scholarship, graduate
of the
Instituto Tecnologico Apizaco,
co-supervisor B. Duval)
- Yan Jin (Associate Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
School of Computer Science and
Engineering, CSC scholarship, graduate of HUST,
Wuhan, China, PhD study Sept. 2011 - May 2015,
co-supervisor JP Hamiez)
- Frederic
Lardeux (Professor at University of
Angers, co-supervisor F.
Saubion, PhD defence in 2005, graduate of the University of Angers)
- Samir Laroum (Private sector, PhD Oct. 2008 - Nov
2011, Regional scholarship, from University of Montouri
Alegeria, Master of
University of Montpellier,
France, co-supervisors B. Duval and
D. Tessier)
- Benoit Laurent (R&D
team leader at PERINFO SA, PhD
defense in December 2008,
research grant CIFRE with PERINFO
SA, scholarship, graduate of
the University of Angers)
- Yinuo Li
Fellow, Huawei Cloud Computing Algorithm Innovation Lab, Shenzhen, China, PhD study Jan.
2019- Nov. 2021 with a
CIFRE grant,
graduate of Polytech'Nantes and Ocean University of China)
- Zhi Lu (Assistant Professor at Shanghai University for
Science and Technology, School of Management, PhD Oct. 2016-July 2020, CSC scholarship, graduate of University
of Electronic
Science and Technology of China, Chengdu)
- Fuda Ma (Senior Research
Fellow, Huawei Technologies CO., Xi'an, China, CSC scholarship, graduate
of Northwestern
Polytechnical University, Xi'an, PhD Oct. 2013 - July 2016)
- Hakim Mabed (Associate
Professor at the University of Franche-Comte,
co-supervised by A. Caminada, France Telecom R&D, PhD defense
in 2003)
- Nicolas Pech-Gourg
Professor at the Higher Engineering School IMERIR,
PhD defense in 2002, graduate
of the Ecole des Mines d'Ales)
- Daniel
Porumbel (Associate
Professor at CNAM Paris, co-supervisor
Kuntz, Polytech'Nantes, joint
Master of the Polytech'Nantes
and the University
of Politehnica de Bucarest, Romania, PhD
Sept. 2006 - Nov. 2009)
- Jintong Ren (Assistant Professor, Hohai
University, Business School, Nanjing, China; PhD study Oct. 2016 - July
2020, CSC scholarship, graduate
of UTBM Belfort and Northwestern
Polytechnical University, Xi'an)
- Eduardo A.
Rodriguez-Tello (Permanent
Researcher at the Cinvestav Tamaulipas, Mexican
CONACyT scholarship, PhD defense in July 2007, graduate of ITESM Cuernavaca,
Mexico, in cooperation with J. Torres-Jimenez)
- Ines Sghir (Assistant at
University of
Tunis, co-Director supervised
by K.
Ghedira, PhD defence in April 2016)
- Wen Sun (Associate Professor at Southeast University, School of Cyber Science
and Engineering, CSC
scholarship, graduate of
Polytechnical University, Xi'an, PhD study April 2015-Nov. 2018,
co-supervisor Dr. A. Caminada)
- Michel Vasquez (Research Director at the LGI2P Lab,
Engineering School "Ecole des Mines d'Ales", France, PhD defense in
2000, graduate of
the Ecole des Mines d'Ales)
- Yang Wang (Full Professor
at Northwestern
Polytechnical University, Management School, Xi'an,
China, CSC scholarship, graduate
study Oct 2009 - February 2013)
- Qinghua Wu (Full Professor at Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Management School,
Wuhan, China, CSC scholarship, graduate of HUST,
PhD study Oct 2009 -
February 2013)
- Rongqiang Zeng (Associate
Professor at Southwest
University, CSC scholarship, graduate
of University of Electronic
Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, PhD
study Dec.
2008 - June 2012, co-supervisor
M. Basseur)
- Yangming Zhou (Associate
Professor at Shanghai
Jiao Tong University, Sino-US Global Logistics Institute, CSC scholarship, graduate
of Zhejiang University and Donghua
University, PhD
study Nov. 2014 - December 2017, co-supervisor Dr. B. Duval)
- Yi Zhou (Associate
Professor at University
of Electronic
Science and Technology of China, School of Computer Science and
Engineering, Chengdu,
China, CSC scholarship, graduate of UEST, PhD study Sept. 2013 - May
co-supervisor Dr. A. Goeffon)
- Zequn Wei (Assistant Professor at Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, School of Management, PhD
study April 2018 - March 2021, CSC scholarship, graduate
of Northwestern
Polytechnical University, School of Automation, Xi'an)
Post-doc and former visiting PhD students
- Pengfei He (2022-2023, PhD University of Angers, France, graduate
of Nanjing
Agricultural University, School of Management Science &
Engineering. Associate Research Fellow, Southeast University, School of Automation since September 2023)
- Zhanghua Fu (2012-2015, PhD from Huazhong
University of
Science and Technology, China. Now Research Professor at the Chinese University of Hong
Kong, Shen Zhen Campus, China since September
- Xiangjing Lai (2013-2015, PhD from Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, Research Professor at Nanjing University of
Posts and Telecommunications, China since 2016)
- Zhipeng Lü (2007-2011, PhD from Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, Full Professor
at HUST, China
since March
- Manuel
Clergue (2000-2001, PhD from University of Nice, Associate Professor at Universite
des Antilles et de la Guyane, France)
- Yufeng
Hao (2004-2005, PhD from Southeast University,
China, funded by the Franco-Chinese Foundation, R&D Director,
Scientist, Beijing Haitian Ruisheng Science Technology Ltd, China)
- Jian Zhou (2003-2004, Ph.D from Tsinghua University, China,
funded by the French Research Ministry, Full
Professor at Shanghai
University, School of Management)
- Qing Zhou (2019-2020, PhD from Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, Associate Professor at Northeastern
University, School of Management).
- Mingjie Li (2021-2023, visisting PhD student from Huazhong
University of
Science and Technology, supervised by
Prof. Qinghua Wu, Associate Professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law since March 2024)
- Zuo-cheng Li (2019-2021, visiting
PhD student from Northeastern
University, supervised by Prof. Lixin Tang, Assistant Professor at Kunming
University of Science and Technology,
Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation)
- Liwen Li (2018-2019, visisting PhD student from Huazhong
University of
Science and Technology, supervised by
Prof. Kun He)
- Zhen Shang (2017-2018, visisting PhD student from Northwestern
Polytechnical University, supervised
by Prof. Yang Wang, Assistant Professor at Chang'an University, School
of Management)
- Ke-Qin Liu (2011-2013, visisting PhD student from Shanghai
University, supervised by
Prof. Xingming Zhao, Fudan University, Data Analyst, Ford Motor Company, USA)
- Xiujun Zhang (2011-2013, visisting PhD student from
University, supervised
by Prof. Xingming Zhao, Fudan University. Research Professor at Wuhan Botanical Garden,
Chinese Academy of Sciences.)
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Hao holds a full Professor position in the Department
Computer Science of the University
of Angers
(France) since 1999. In
2015, he was nominated as Senior Fellow of the Institut
Universitaire de France. He was
Director of the LERIA Laboratory (2003-2015)
Computer Science Lab)
and the founder of the research group "Metaheuristics,
Optimization and Applications". Before joining the
University of
Angers, he has been an Associate Professor at the National Higher
Engineering School "Ecole des Mines
d'Ales" (Nimes Campus) and head of the "Constraints and Heuristics"
research group until September 1999.
His research
focuses on the design of
algorithms and methods for large-scale combinatorial search problems
and practical applications. He contributed to practical solutions of
significant NP-hard
problems like graph coloring and sum coloring, maximum
clique, combinatorial auctions, bandwidth
and linear arrangement minimization, graph
partitioning and clustering, vertex separator, MaxSAT,
multiple-choice and multidimensional 0-1
knapsack problem,
quadratic optimization,
constraint satisfaction, Steiner
and Spanning tree
problems as
well as
various applications related to resource planning and scheduling,
routing, timetabling and rostering in areas of healthcare,
telecommunication networks and transportation, among
His work with his
co-authors has been
featured in International Conferences (AE,
MIC, PPSN) and Journals (Annals
of Operations Research,
Mathematics and
Computation, Applied
Computing, Artificial
Intelligence Review, Asia-Pacific
Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Operational Research,
Computers &
Industrial Engineering, Computers & Operations Research,
Optimization & Applications, Discrete
Applied Mathematics, 4OR,
Engineering Applications of
Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems with Applications, Evolutionary
Computation, Future Generation Computer Systems, IEEE Transactions on
Cybernetics, IEEE
Transactions on Evolutionary
Computation, IEEE Transactions on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, INFORMS Journal on Computing,
Information Sciences, Journal of
Optimization, J. of Heuristics, Intl. J. of
Metaheuristics, Intl.
J. of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, Intl. J. of Mathematics in
Operational Research, J. of
Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, Intl
J. of Mobile
Network Design & Innovation, Knowledge-based
Systems, Knowledge and
Systems, Mathematical Programming Computation, Natural
Computing and Applications, Networks, Neurocomputing, PeerJ Computer Science, RAIRO
Operations Research, Transportation Research, Transportation Science, IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Computational Biology and
Bioinformatics, BioData Mining,
Bioinformatics, BMC
Bioinformatics, Briefings
in Bioinformatics, Genomics
Proteomics &
Bioinformatics, Nucleic Acids Research).
His work with his co-authors has been
recognized by several awards (12th
DIMACS Implementation Challenge on Vehicle Routing - SDVRP
Track in 2022, Engineering
Applications of AI Best Paper Award 2017, 11th DIMACS
Implementation Challenge on Steiner Tree Problems in 2014,
Bronze Medal at the Nurse
Competition 2010,
Silver Medal at the PATAT-WATT
2007 International Timetabling Competition, EvoCOP 2009,
2006, PPSN 1996 best paper awards or nominees)
and received multiple
citations. His work includes some 300 peer-reviewed
publications in international journals,
book chapters and conference proceedings in
the fields of Metaheuristics,
Evolutionary Computation, Combinatorial Optimization, Bioinformatics,
Programming and Artificial Intelligence.
He has supervised
and worked on several
real world applications including business relationship
in the Internet, antenna positioning and frequency
assignment for mobile radio networks, daily
scheduling of an earth observation satellite, integrated
scheduling of vehicles and drivers, sports league scheduling,
timetabling and nurse
He has initiated a number of large R&D projects including
EC funded Esprit project and French National Research Agency projects. He is involved in several
internatinal collaboration
programs, in particular with China, Canada, Mexico, and USA.
He has
served as an Invited Member of more than 200 Program
Committees of
some 30 International
and National Conferences and
regularly as a reviewer for some 35 well-established Journals
his research domain. He served as Program co-chair or General chair
for several international Conferences (in particular, IEEE
BIBM 2014, Area Chair for ICTAI 2014 2013, 2011, 2010, PRIB 2013, EvoCOP 2012,
EvoCOP 2011, AE 2011, 1997,
EMO 2009). He
is on the
Board of several International Journals and participated
the organization of a number of Conferences
and Workshops in addition to co-editing 9
of Springer LNCS series. In his capacity as a Professor, he has
supervised 42 defended PhD theses and 7 post-doc till 2022 and served on more
than 150 PhD and Habilitation
Examination Boards (in France and abroad).
He has
held or still holds a
number of national responsabilities including Member of the National Council of Universities
(CNU 27) nominated by the French Higher Education and Research Ministry, Panel Member of the
Scientific Evaluation Committee CES 40 "Mathematics,
Computer Science, Systems and Communications Engineering" and Panel
Member of the SIMI
2 Board (Basic Research and International Joint Research) for the
National Research Agency ANR; Member of the National Jury for
attibuting the "Research Excellence Bonus"; Invited Expert of proposal
evaluation for research agencies (Eurostars-EUREKA, FNRS-Belgium,
CNSF-China, RGC Hong Kong-China, ISF-Israel, CORE-Luxembourg,
CNCS-Romania, SSF-Slovakia,
SNF-Switzerland, EPSRC-UK etc);
Member of the Jury for the French OR Society Roadef's "Robert Faure
Prize"; Member of Regional Jury for the "5th National Challenge for
Hi-Tech Company Creation" of the French Research and New Technology
Evaluation expert of French
research Labs; External member of
Searching Committee for several Universities.
Hao was born in Nov. 1961
in China. He graduated in 1982 from the National
University of Defense Technology (School
of Computer Science)
(China). He received his Master degree
1987) from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA Lyon,
France), his Ph.D. in Constraint Programming (Feb. 1991) from the
University of Franche-Comte, suppervised by Prof.
Chabrier of the University of Burgundy (Dijon, France) and the
Professorship Diploma HDR (Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches)
(Jan. 1998) from the University of Science and Technology of
Montpellier (France).
publications since 1995 (see
also DBLP)
(See also Google
Scholar , Researchgate,
you encounter problems to download any paper, you may contact me at
Chapters (Invited or Refereed)
- Jin-Kao Hao, Xiangjing Lai. Metaheuristic algorithms. In R.
Martí, A. Martínez-Gavara (eds.), Discrete Diversity and Dispersion
Maximization - A Tutorial on Metaheuristic Optimization, Springer
Optimization and Its Applications 204, Chapter 12, pages 271-298, 2023 (pdf)
- Yang Wang, Jin-Kao Hao. Metaheuristic algorithms. In
P. Punnen (Ed.) The Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization
Problem: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Chapter 9, pages 241-259, 2022 (pdf)
- Jin-Hao
Hao and Christine Solnon. Meta-heuristics and artificial intelligence.
In Pierre Marquis, Odile Papini, Henri Prade (Eds). A
Guided Tour of
Artificial Intelligence II, Chapter 2, pages 27-52, 2020 (pdf)
- Jin-Kao Hao.
Memetic Algorithms in Discrete Optimization.
In F. Neri,
C. Cotta, P. Moscato (Eds.) Handbook
of Memetic Algorithms. Studies in Computational Intelligence
379, Chapter 6, pages 73-94,
2012. Draft (pdf)
- Jin-Hao
Hao, Christine Solnon. Meta-heuristiques et Intelligence
Artificielle. Panorama de l'Intelligence Artificielle -
Ses bases méthodologiques et ses développements, sous la direction de
Pierre Marquis, Odile Papini et Henri Prade. Hermes 2014 (pdf)
- Una Benlic,
Jin-Kao Hao. Hybrid metaheuristics for the graph
partitioning problem. In EG Talbi (Ed.) Hybrid
Metaheuristics. Studies in Computational
Intelligence 434, Chapter 6,
pages 157-184, 2013. Draft (pdf)
- Philippe
Galinier, Jean-Philippe Hamiez, Jin-Kao
Hao, Daniel
Cosmin Porumbel. Recent advances in graph vertex coloring. In I.
Zelinka, V. Snasel, A.
Abraham (Eds.) Handbook
Optimization. Chapter 20, pages 505-528, 2013. Draft (pdf)
- Olivier
Gach and Jin-Kao Hao. A fusion condition for community detection with
modularity. Complex Networks: Advances in
Research and Applications, Chapter 4, pages 103-135, Nova Science
Publishers, Inc.,
2017. (pdf)
- Wassim
Ayadi, Mourad Elloumi, Jin-Kao Hao. Systematic and Stochastic
biclustering algorithms for microarray data analysis. In L. Rueda (Ed.)
Image and Data Analysis: Theory and Practice. CRC Press /
Taylor & Francis, December 2014.
- Adelaide Freitas, Wassim Ayadi, Mourad Elloumi, Jose Luis
Oliveira, Jin-Kao Hao. Survey on biclustering of gene expression
data. In M. Elloumi, A.Y. Zomaya
Knowledge Discovery Handbook: Preprocessing, Mining
and Postprocessing of Biological Data. Chapter
24, 2012. Draft (pdf,
- Adrien Goëffon,
Jean-Michel Richer, Jin-Kao Hao, Heuristic methods for phylogenetic
reconstruction with maximum parsimony. In M. Elloumi, A.Y. Zomaya
(Eds.) Algorithms
in Computational Molecular Biology - Techniques, Approaches and
Applications. Chapter
26, pages 579-597,
2011. Draft (pdf)
- Oliver Bailleux and Jin-Kao Hao, Stochastic search
algorithms (in French). In L. Sais (Ed.), "Problem SAT:
progresses and challenges", Chapter 5, Draft
- Alexandre Caminada, Jin-Kao Hao, Jean-Luc Lutton and
Vincent Martin, Telecommunication networks. In G. Finke (Ed.), Operational
Research and Networks, Chapter 7, Wiley, 2008.
- Daniela Claro, Patrick
Albers, Jin-Kao Hao, Web services composition. In J. Cardoso, Sheth, Amit (Eds.) Semantic
Web Services, Processes and Applications, Chapter
8, 2006, (pdf),
- Jean-Philippe Hamiez,
Jin-Kao Hao, An analysis of solution properties of the graph coloring
problem. Metaheuristics:
Computer Decision-Making,
Chapter 15, pp325-346, M.G.C. Resende and J.P. de Sousa (Eds.), Kluwer,
2003. (postscript)
- Alexandre Caminada, Jin-Kao Hao, Jean-Luc Lutton, Vincent
Martin, Réseaux de télécommunications.
In G. Finke (Ed.) Recherche Operationnelle et
Reseaux, traité IGAT, Chapitre 7,
pp196-240, Hermes,
- Raphael Dorne,
Jin-Kao Hao, Tabu search for graph coloring, T-colorings and set
T-colorings. Meta-heuristics:
Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization, Chapter 6, pp77-92, S. Voss, S. Martello,
I.H. Osman, C. Roucairol (Eds.), Kluwer, 1998. (pdf)
- Philippe Galinier,
Jin-Kao Hao, Solving the progressive party problem by local
search. Meta-heuristics:
Advances and Trends
in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization,
Chapter 29, pp418-432, S. Voss, S. Martello,
I.H. Osman, C. Roucairol (Eds.), Kluwer, 1998. (Draft version pdf)
- Xiangjing
Lai, Zhenheng Lin, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. An efficient optimization model and tabu search-based global optimization approach for continuous p-dispersion problem. Accepted to INFORMS
Journal on Computing Sept. 2025 (pdf,
doi) Informs. (Program
code and data)
- Zhenyu
Lei, Jin-Kao Hao. A memetic algorithm for vehicle routing with
simultaneous pickup and delivery and time windows. Accepted to IEEE
on Evolutionary Computation Aug. 2024. (pdf, doi) IEEE
CSP. (Solution certificates and program code).
- Zequn
Wei, Jin-Kao Hao, Jintong Ren, Qinghua Wu, Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello. An
intensification-driven search algorithm for the family traveling
salesman problem with incompatibility constraints. Knowledge-Based
Systems 302: 112378, Oct. 2024 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier
- Yang
Wang, Junpeng Wang, Jin-Kao Hao, Jianguang Feng. Efficient adaptive
large neighborhood Search for sensor-weapon-target assignment. IEEE
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Aug. 2024 (pdf, doi) IEEE
- Yuji Zou, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. A reinforcement learning guided
hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the latency location routing problem. Computers
& Operations Research 170: 106758, October 2024. (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program code).
- Qing
Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhong-Zhong Jiang, Qinghua Wu. Adaptive feasible and
infeasible evolutionary search for the knapsack problem with forfeits.
Accepted to International Transactions In Operational Research July 2024. (pdf,
doi) Elsevier.
- Olivier
Goudet, Adrien Goëffon, Jin-Kao Hao. A large population island
framework for the unconstrained binary quadratic problem. Computers
& Operations Research 168: 106684, Aug. 2024. (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program code).
- Eduardo
G. Pardo, Javier Yuste, Abraham Duarte, Jin-Kao Hao. Multi-objective
general variable neighborhood search for software maintainability
optimization. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence 133, Part F: 108593, July 2024 (pdf,
- Yuji Zou, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. A two-individual evolutionary
algorithm for cumulative capacitated vehicle routing with single and
multiple depots. Accepted to IEEE
on Evolutionary Computation February 2024. (pdf, doi) IEEE
CSP. (Instances and program code).
- Haichao Liu, Yang Wang, Jin-Kao Hao. Solving the patient admission scheduling problem using constraint aggregation. European Journal of Operational
Research 316(1): 85-99, July 2024. (pdf,
- Zhenyu Lei, Jin-Kao Hao. An effective memetic algorithm for the close-enough traveling salesman problem. Applied Soft Computing 153: 111266, March 2024. (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program code HERE).
- Qinghua
Wu, Mu He, Jin-Kao Hao, Yongliang Lu. An effective hybrid evolutionary
algorithm for the clustered orienteering problem. European Journal of Operational
Research 313(2), 418-434, 2024. (pdf,
- Mingjie Li, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. A flow based formulation and a
reinforcement learning based strategic oscillation for cross-dock door
assignment. European Journal of Operational
Research 312(2): 473-492, 2024. (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
- Mingming
Zheng, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. Exact and heuristic solution approaches
for the generalized independent set problem. Computers
& Operations Research 164: 106561, April 2024. (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program code).
- Lu
Zhi, Jian Gao, Jin-Kao Hao, Pingle Yang, Lixin Zhou. Learning driven
three-phase search for the maximum independent union of cliques
problem. Computers
& Operations Research 164: 106549 April 2024. (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program code).
- Pengfei He, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. A hybrid genetic algorithm for the Hamiltonian p-median problem. Networks, 83(2): 348-367, 2024. (pdf,
Wiley. (Program
- Wen Sun, Chaofan Chen, Jin-Kao Hao,
Wenlong Li, Qinghua Wu, Yuning Chen. A knowledge-based iterated local
search for the weighted total domination problem. Information Sciences 665: 120364, April 2024. (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program code and data).
- Xiangjing Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Renbin Xiao, Zhang-Hua Fu. Global
optimization and structural analysis of Coulomb and
logarithmicpotentials on the unit sphere using a population-based
heuristic approach. Expert Systems with Applications 238, Part A: 121704, March 2024. (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
- Yangming Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhen Li. Heuristic search for rank aggregation with application to label ranking. INFORMS
Journal on Computing 36(2): 308-326, March-April 2024 (pdf,
doi) Informs. (Program
code and data) (JOC featured article).
- Yangming Zhou, Jiaqi Li, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover. Detecting critical nodes in sparse graphs via ``Reduce-Solve-Combine'' memetic search. INFORMS
Journal on Computing 36(1): 39-60, January-February 2024 (pdf,
doi) Informs. (Program
code and data)
- Qing Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhong-Zhong Jiang, Qinghua Wu. An effective hybrid search method for the quadratic knapsack problem with conflict graphs. Journal of the Operational Research Society 75(5): 1000-1010, 2024 (pdf,
doi) Taylor & Francis. (Program
code and data)
- Zhen
Shang, Jin-Kao Hao, Fei Ma. A double-decomposition based parallel exact
algorithm for the feedback length minimization problem. PeerJ Computer Science 9:e1597, September 2023 (doi) PeerJ Publishing. (Program code and data).
- Wen Sun, Wenlong Li,
Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. Learning-based multi-start iterated local search for the profit maximization set covering problem. Information Sciences 646: 119404, Oct. 2023 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program code and data).
- Pengfei He, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. Hybrid genetic algorithm for
undirected traveling salesman problems with profits. Networks 82(3): 189-221, 2023 (pdf,
Wiley. (Program
- Olivier
Goudet, Jin-Kao Hao. A massively parallel evolutionary algorithm for
the partial Latin square extension problem. Computers
& Operations Research 158: 106284, October 2023 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program
- Xiangjing
Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Renbin Xiao, Fred Glover. Perturbation-based
thresholding search for packing equal circles and spheres. INFORMS
Journal on Computing 35(4): 725-746, July-Aug. 2023 (pdf,
doi) Informs. (Program
code and data) (JOC Featured article)
- Zequn Wei, Jin-Kao Hao, Jintong
Ren, Fred Glover. Responsive strategic oscillation for solving the disjunctively constrained knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational
Research 309(3): 993-1009, 2023 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
- Yuji Zou, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. Breakout local search for the traveling salesman problem with job-times. Expert Systems with Applications 225: 120020, Sept. 2023 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
code and data)
- Zhi Lu, Anna Martínez-Gavara, Jin-Kao Hao, Xiangjing
Lai. Solution-based tabu search for the capacitated dispersion problem. Expert Systems with Applications 223: 119856, Aug. 2023 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
code and data)
- Yangming
Zhou, Gezi Wang, Jin-Kao Hao, Na Geng, Zhibin Jiang. A fast
tri-individual memetic search approach for the distance-based critical
node problem. European Journal of Operational
308(2): 540-554, July 2023 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
- Pengfei He, Jin-Kao
Hao. Memetic search for the minmax multiple
traveling salesman problem with single and multiple
depots. European Journal of Operational
307(3): 1055-1070, June 2023 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
- Pengfei He, Jin-Kao Hao. General edge assembly
crossover-driven memetic search for split delivery vehicle routing. Transportation
Science, 57(2): 482-511, 2023 (pdf,
doi) Informs. (Program
- Zequn Wei, Jin-Kao Hao. Iterated hyperplane
search for the budgeted maximum coverage problem. Expert Systems with Applications
214: 119078, March 2023 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
code and data)
- Xiangjing
Lai, Dong
Yue, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover, Zhipeng Lü. Iterated dynamic
neighborhood search for packing equal circles on a sphere. Computers
& Operations Research
151: 106121, March 2023 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program
- Zhen
Shang, Jin-Kao Hao, Songzheng Zhao, Yang Wang, Fei Ma. Multi-wave tabu
search for the boolean quadratic programming problem with generalized
upper bound constraints. Computers
& Operations Research
150: 106077, February 2023
doi) Elsevier
- Wen Sun, Jin-Kao Hao, Zihao Wu, Wenlong Li, Qinghua Wu. Dynamic thresholding search for the feedback vertex set problem. PeerJ Computer Science 9:e1245, February 2023 (doi) PeerJ Publishing.
- Jintong
Ren, Jin-Kao Hao, Feng Wu, Zhang-Hua Fu. An effective hybrid search
algorithm for the multiple traveling repairman problem with profits. European Journal of Operational
304(2): 381-394 January 2023 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
- Lixin Tang,
Li, Jin-Kao Hao. Solving the single row facility layout
problem by K-medoids memetic permutation group. IEEE
on Evolutionary Computation
27(2): 251-265, 2023 (pdf, doi) IEEE
- Olivier Goudet, Cyril Grelier, Jin-Kao Hao. A deep learning
guided memetic framework for graph coloring problems. Knowledge-Based
258: 109986, Dec.
2022 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program
- Wen Sun, Jin-Kao Hao, Wenlong Li,
Qinghua Wu. An adaptive memetic algorithm for the bidirectional loop
layout problem. Knowledge-Based
258: 110002, Dec.
2022 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier
- Pengfei He, Jin-Kao Hao. Hybrid search with neighborhood
reduction for the multiple traveling salesman problem. Computers
& Operations Research
142: 105726, January
2022 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program
code and data)
- Yongliang Lu, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. Solving the
Clustered Traveling Salesman Problem via TSP methods. PeerJ Computer Science
8:e972, June 2022 (pdf,
doi) PeerJ Publishing.
- Jintong
Ren, Jin-Kao Hao, Feng Wu, Zhang-Hua Fu. Intensification-driven local
search for the traveling repairman problem with profits. Expert Systems with Applications,
202: 117072, September 2022 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program
code and data)
- Yinuo Li,
Jin-Kao Hao. Multi-neighborhood simulated annealing for personalized
user project planning. Applied Soft Computing
119: 108566, April 2022 (doi)
- Mingjie
Li, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. Learning-driven feasible and infeasible
Tabu Search for airport gate assignment. European Journal of Operational
302(1): 172-186, 2022 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
code and data)
- Xiangjing
Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Dong
Yue, Zhipeng Lü, Zhang-Hua Fu. Iterated dynamic thresholding
search for
packing equal circles into a circular container. European Journal of Operational
299(1): 137-153, May 2022 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
- Yangming
Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Beatrice Duval. Frequent pattern based search: A
case study on the quadratic assignment problem. IEEE
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 52(3): 1503-1505, March 2022 (pdf, doi) IEEE
CSP. (Program
- Zuo-cheng
Li, Lixin Tang, Jin-Kao Hao. Dual probability learning based local
search for the task assignment problem. IEEE
Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 19(1):
332-347, 2022 (pdf, doi) IEEE RAS.
- Yi
Zhou, Weibo Lin, Jin-Kao Hao, Mingyu Xiao, Yan Jin. An effective
branch-and-bound algorithm for the maximum s-bundle problem. European Journal of Operational
297(1): 27-39, 2022 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
- Qing Zhou, Jin-Kao
Hao, Qinghua Wu. A hybrid evolutionary search for the
generalized quadratic multiple knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational
296(3): 788-803, 2022 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
- Zequn Wei, Jin-Kao Hao, A
threshold search based memetic algorithm for the disjunctively
constrained knapsack problem. Computers
& Operations Research
136: 105447, 2021 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Zhi Lu, Yi Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao. A hybrid evolutionary
algorithm for the Clique Partitioning Problem. IEEE
on Cybernetics 52(9): 9391-9403, February 2021 (pdf, doi) IEEE SMC. January 2021 (Program
Code is HERE).
- Zhi Lu,
Jin-Kao Hao, Una Benlic, David Lesaint.
Iterated multilevel simulated annealing for large-scale graph
conductance minimization. Information Sciences 572:
182-199, 2021 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE
or HERE).
- Yan
Jin, Bowen Xiong, Kun He, Jin-Kao Hao, Chu-Min Li, Zhang-Hua
Clustering driveniterated hybrid search for vertex bisection
minimization. IEEE
Transactions on Computers, 71(10): 2370-2380 Nov. 2021
- Xiangjing Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhang-Hua Fu, Dong
Yue. Neighborhood decomposition-driven variable neighborhood search for
capacitated clustering. Computers
& Operations Research
134: 105362, 2021 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Pengfei He, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua
Wu. Grouping memetic search for the colored traveling salesmen problem.
Information Sciences 570:
689-707, 2021 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE).
- Qing Zhou, Jin-Kao
Hao, Qinghua Wu. Responsive threshold search based memetic
algorithm for balanced minimum sum-of-squares clustering. Information Sciences
569: 184-204, 2021 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE).
- Zequn Wei, Jin-Kao Hao,
Multistart solution-based tabu search for the Set-Union Knapsack
Problem. Applied Soft Computing
105: 107260, July 2021 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE).
- Liwen Li, Zequn Wei, Jin-Kao Hao, Kun He. Probability
learning based tabu search for the Budgeted Maximum Coverage Problem. Expert Systems with Applications
183: 115310, Nov. 2021 (pdf,
- Sun Wen, Jin-Kao Hao, Yuhao Zang, Xiangjing Lai. A
solution-driven multilevel approach for graph coloring. Applied Soft Computing
104: 107174, June 2021 (pdf,
- Yinuo Li, Jin-Kao Hao, Brahim Chabane. User
project planning in social
and medico-social sector: models and solution methods. Expert Systems with Applications
173: 114684, July
2021 (pdf,
- Olivier
Goudet, Béatrice Duval, Jin-Kao Hao. Population-based gradient descent
weight learning for graph coloring problems. Knowledge-Based
212: 106581, January 2021 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Pengfei He and
Jin-Kao Hao. Iterated two-phase local search for the colored traveling
salesmen problem. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
97: 104018, Jan. 2021 (pdf,
Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Jian Chang, Lifang Wang, Jin-Kao Hao, Yang Wang. Parallel
iterative solution-based tabu search for the obnoxious p-median problem. Computers
& Operations Research 127: 105155, March 2021 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Xiaoyu Chen, Yi Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Mingyu Xiao. Computing
maximum k-defective cliques in massive graphs. Computers
& Operations Research
127: 105131, March 2021 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier (Program Code is HERE)
- Yangming
Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhang-Hua Fu, Zhe Wang, Xiangjing Lai. Variable
population memetic search: A case study on the critical node problem. IEEE
on Evolutionary Computation
25(1): 187-200, 2021 (pdf, doi) IEEE
- Xiangjing Lai,
Jin-Kao Hao, Zhang-Hua Fu, Dong
Yue. Neighborhood decomposition based variable neighborhood search and
tabu search for maximally diverse grouping. European Journal of Operational
289(3): 1067-1086, 2021 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Zequn Wei and
Jin-Kao Hao. Kernel-based tabu search for the Set-Union Knapsack
Problem. Expert Systems with Applications
165: 113802, 1 March 2021 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Mingjie
Li, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. General swap-based multiple neighborhood
adaptive search for the maximum balanced biclique problem. Computers
& Operations Research
119: 104922, July 2020 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program Code is HERE)
- Qing
Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhe Sun, Qinghua Wu. Memetic search for composing
medical crews with equity and efficiency. Applied Soft Computing
94: 106440, September 2020 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Daniel Porumbel and Jin-Kao Hao. Distance-guided local
search. Journal of
26: 711-741, 2020 (pdf, doi) Springer. (Program Code is HERE).
- Jintong
Ren, Jin-Kao Hao, Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello, Liwen Li, Kun He. A new
iterated local search algorithm for the cyclic bandwidth
problem. Knowledge-Based
203: 106136, September 2020 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program
Code is available HERE)
- Ji Lu, Yuning Chen, Jin-Kao Hao, Renjie He. The
time-dependent electric vehicle routing problem: model and solution. Expert Systems with Applications
161: 113593, December 2020 (pdf,
- Xiangjing Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhang-Hua Fu, Dong
Yue. Diversity-preserving quantum particle swarm optimization for the
multidimensional knapsack problem. Expert Systems with Applications
149: 113310, July 2020 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Zhi Lu, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. A hybrid evolutionary
algorithm for finding low conductance of large graphs. Future Generation Computer
Systems 106: 105-120, May 2020 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Xiangjing
Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover. A study of two
evolutionary/tabu search approaches for the generalized max-mean
dispersion problem. Expert Systems with Applications
139: 112856, January 2020 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Wen Sun, Jin-Kao Hao, Wenyu Wang, Qinghua Wu. Memetic
search for the equitable coloring problem. Knowledge-Based
188: 105000, January 2020 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier.
- Zequn Wei and Jin-Kao Hao. Iterated two-phase local search
for the Set-Union Knapsack Problem. Future Generation Computer
Systems 101: 1005-1017, 2019 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Zhi Lu,
Jin-Kao Hao, Yi Zhou. Stagnation-aware breakout tabu search for the
Minimum Conductance Graph Partitioning Problem. Computers
& Operations Research
111: 43-57, 2019 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Fred Glover and Jin-Kao Hao. Diversification-based learning
in computing and optimization. Journal of
25(4-5): 521-537, 2019 (pdf, doi) Springer
- Yongliang Lu, Jin-Kao Hao,
Qinghua Wu. Hybrid evolutionary search for the traveling repairman
problem with profits. Information Sciences 502: 91-108, 2019 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier.
- Yan Jin and Jin-Kao Hao. Solving the Latin square
completion problem by memetic graph coloring. IEEE
on Evolutionary Computation
23(6): 1015-1028, February 2019 (pdf, doi) IEEE
CSP. (Program Code is HERE, Test
Graphs are HERE)
- Yuning
Chen and Jin-Kao Hao. Dynamic thresholding search for Minimum Vertex
Cover in massive sparse graphs. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
82: 76-84, 2019 (pdf,
- Xiangjing Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover, Dong
Yue. Intensification-driven tabu search for the minimum differential
dispersion problem. Knowledge-Based
167: 68-86, 2019 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier.
- Jintong
Ren, Jin-Kao Hao, Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello. An iterated three-phase
search approach for solving the Cyclic Bandwidth Problem. IEEE Access
7: 98436-9845, 2019 (pdf, doi) IEEE. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Brahim
Chabane, Matthieu Basseur, Jin-Kao Hao. Lorenz dominance based
algorithms to solve a practical multiobjective problem. Computers
& Operations Research
104: 1-14, 2019 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier
- Yi Zhou and Jin-Kao Hao. Tabu search with graph reduction
for finding
maximum balanced bicliques in bipartite graphs. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
77: 86-97, 2019 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Xiangjing Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Dong
Yue. Two-stage solution-based tabu search for the multidemand
multidimensional knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational
274(1): 35-48, 2019 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Yangming
Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover. Memetic search for identifying critical
nodes in sparse graphs. IEEE
on Cybernetics 49(10): 3699-3712 2019 (pdf, doi) IEEE SMC. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Qing Zhou, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu, Jin-Kao
Hao. Heuristic search to the capacitated clustering problem. European Journal of Operational
273(2): 464-487, 2019 (pdf,
- Zhen
Shang, Songzheng Zhao, Jin-Kao Hao, Xue Yang, Fuda Ma.
Multiple phase tabu search for bipartite boolean quadratic programming
with partitioned variables. Computers
& Operations Research
102: 141-149, 2019 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier
- Wen
Sun, Jin-Kao Hao, Alexandre Caminada. Iterated backtrack removal search
for finding k-vertex-critical subgraphs. Journal of
25(4-5): 565-590, 2019 (pdf, doi) Springer.
- Wen Sun, Jin-Kao Hao, Xiangjing Lai, Qinghua
Wu. Adaptive feasible and infeasible tabu search for weighted vertex
coloring. Information Sciences 466: 203-219, 2018 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Yi Zhou, André Rossi,
Jin-Kao Hao. Towards effective exact algorithms for the maximum
balanced biclique problem in bipartite graphs. European Journal of Operational
269(3): 834-843, 2018 (pdf,
- Wenyu
Wang, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. Tabu search with feasible and infeasible
searches for equitable coloring. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
71: 1-14, 2018 (pdf,
- Xiangjing Lai, Dong
Yue, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover. Solution-based tabu search for the
maximum min-sum dispersion problem. Information Sciences 441: 79-94, 2018 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier.
Code is HERE)
- Yangming
Zhou, Béatrice Duval, Jin-Kao Hao. Improving probability learning based
local search for graph coloring. Applied Soft Computing
65: 542-553, 2018 (pdf,
- Xiangjing Lai, Jin-Kao
Hao, Fred Glover, Zhipeng Lü. A two-phase tabu-evolutionary algorithm
for the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem. Information Sciences 436-437: 282-301, 2018 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier.
- Yuning Chen and Jin-Kao Hao. Two phased hybrid local search
the periodic capacitated arc routing problem. European Journal of Operational
264(1): 55-65, 2018 (pdf,
- Qinghua
Wu, Qing Zhou, Yan Jin, Jin-Kao Hao. Minimum sum coloring for large
graphs with extraction and backward expansion search. Applied Soft Computing
62: 1056-1065, 2018 (pdf,
- Yangming
Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Béatrice Duval. Opposition-based memetic search for
the maximum diversity problem. IEEE
on Evolutionary Computation
21(5): 731-745, 2017 (pdf, doi) IEEE
CSP. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Zhanghua
Fu and Jin-Kao Hao. Knowledge guided local search for the
Steiner Tree Problem in Graphs. Knowledge-Based
128: 78-92, 2017 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier.
- Zhanghua
Fu and Jin-Kao Hao. Swap-vertex based neighborhood for the broadly
defined Steiner tree problems. Mathematical
Programming Computation 9(2): 297-320, 2017 (pdf,
doi) Springer (Program
Codes are HERE
and HERE)
- Yi
Zhou and Jin-Kao Hao. Frequency-driven tabu search
for the maximum s-plex problem. Computers
& Operations Research
86: 65-78, 2017 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Yi
Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Adrien Goëffon. PUSH: a generalized operator for the
maximum weight clique problem. European Journal of Operational
257(1): 41-54, 2017 (pdf,
Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Yangming
Zhou and Jin-Kao Hao. An iterated local search algorithm for the
minimum differential dispersion problem. Knowledge-Based
125: 26-38, 2017 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Fuda Ma, Yang Wang, Jin-Kao Hao. Path
relinking algorithm for the vertex separator problem. Expert Systems with Applications
82: 332-343, 2017 (pdf,
- Yuning Chen and Jin-Kao Hao. An iterated "hyperplane
approach for the Quadratic Knapsack Problem. Computers
& Operations Research
77: 226-239, 2017 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier (Instances
are HERE)
- Fuda Ma, Jin-Kao Hao, Yang Wang. An effective iterated
tabu search for the maximum bisection problem. Computers
& Operations Research
81: 78-89, 2017 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier
- Fuda Ma and Jin-Kao Hao. A multiple search operator
heuristic for the max-k-cut problem. Annals
of Operations Research 248(1-2): 365-403, 2017 (pdf,
doi) Springer
- Yan
Jin, Jean-Philippe Hamiez, Jin-Kao Hao. Algorithms for the minimum sum
coloring problem: a review. Artificial
Intelligence Review 47(3): 367-394, 2017 (pdf,
doi) Springer.
- Brahim
Chabane, Matthieu Basseur, Jin-Kao Hao. R2-IBMOLS applied to a
practical case of the multiobjective knapsack problem. Expert Systems with Applications
71:457-468, 2017 (pdf,
- Yuning Chen
and Jin-Kao Hao. Memetic search for the generalized quadratic multiple
knapsack problem. IEEE
on Evolutionary Computation
20(6): 908-923, 2016 (pdf, doi) IEEE
- Xiangjing Lai
and Jin-Kao Hao. Iterated variable neighborhood search for the
capacitated clustering problem. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
56:102-120, 2016 (pdf,
Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
(The code of
the presented IMS algorithm is integrated in the R
package socialroulette for social grpupings).
- Yangming Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Béatrice Duval. Reinforcement
learning based local search for grouping problems: A case study on
graph coloring. Expert Systems with Applications
64:412-422, 2016 (pdf,
- Xiangjing Lai
and Jin-Kao Hao. Iterated maxima search for the maximally diverse
grouping problem. European Journal of Operational
254(3):780-800, 2016 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Yuning
Chen, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover. A hybrid metaheuristic
for the capacitated arc routing problem. European Journal of Operational
253(1): 25-39, 2016 (pdf,
- Yuning
Chen and Jin-Kao Hao. The bi-objective quadratic multiple knapsack
problem: model and heuristics. Knowledge-Based
97: 89-100, 2016 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier.
- Yuning Chen, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover. An
evolutionary path relinking approach for the quadratic multiple
knapsack problem. Knowledge-Based
92: 23-34, 2016 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier.
- Yan
Jin and Jin-Kao Hao. Hybrid evolutionary search for the minimum sum
coloring problem of graphs. Information Sciences 352-353: 15-34,.2016 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier.
- Xiangjing
Lai and Jin-Kao Hao. A tabu based memetic algorithm for the max-mean
dispersion problem. Computers
& Operations Research
72: 118-127, 2016. (pdf,
doi) Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Xiangjing
Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhipeng Lü, Fred Glover. A learning-based path
relinking algorithm for the bandwidth coloring problem. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
52: 81-91, 2016 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Qinghua Wu and
Jin-Kao Hao. A clique-based exact method for optimal winner
determination in combinatorial auctions. Information Sciences 334-335: 103-121, 2016 (pdf,
doi) Elsevier.
- Fred Glover and Jin-Kao Hao. f-flip Strategies for
unconstrained binary quadratic programming. Annals
of Operations Research 238:651-657, 2016 (pdf,
doi) Springer
- Yi Zhou,
Jin-Kao Hao, Adrien Goëffon. A three-phased local
search approach for the Clique Partitioning problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 32(2): 469-491, 2016 (pdf,
doi) Springer. (Program
code and instances are here)
- Yang Wang, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover, Zhipeng Lü, Qinghua
Solving the maximum vertex weight clique problem via binary quadratic
programming. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 32(2):
531-549, 2016
doi) Springer.
- Olivier Gach and Jin-Kao Hao. Combined neighborhood tabu
search for community detection in complex networks. RAIRO
Operational Research 50(2): 269-293, 2016 (pdf, doi) EDP
- Xiangjing
Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover. Backtracking Based Iterated Tabu Search
for Equitable Coloring. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
46: 269-278, 2015 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE)
- Zhanghua Fu and Jin-Kao Hao. A three-phase search approach
for the quadratic minimum spanning tree problem. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
46: 113-130, 2015 (pdf,
- Ines Sghir, Jin-Kao Hao,
Ines Ben Jaafar, Khaled Ghédira. A multi-agent based
optimization method applied to the quadratic assignment problem. Expert Systems with Applications
42(23): 9252-9263, 2015 (pdf,
- Qinghua Wu and
Jin-Kao Hao. A
review of algorithms for maximum clique problems. European Journal of Operational
242(3): 693-709, 2015 (pdf,
- Yan Jin and Jin-Kao Hao. Effective learning-based hybrid
search for bandwidth coloring. IEEE
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
45(4): 624-635, 2015 (pdf,
- Zhanghua Fu and
Jin-Kao Hao.
Dynamic programming driven memetic search for
the Steiner tree problem with revenues, budget and hop constraints. INFORMS
Journal on Computing 27(2): 221-237, 2015 (pdf,
doi) (online
supplement) Informs. (The
new STPRBH graphs are available HERE)
- Yuning
Chen and Jin-Kao Hao. Iterated responsive threshold search for the
quadratic multiple knapsack problem. Annals
of Operations Research 226(1): 101-131, 2015 (pdf,
doi) Springer (Program
Code will be HERE).
- Xiangjing Lai and Jin-Kao Hao. Path relinking
for the fixed spectrum frequency assignment problem. Expert Systems with Applications
42(10): 4755-4767, 2015 (pdf,
Code is HERE).
- Yan Jin and Jin-Kao Hao. General swap-based multiple
neighborhood tabu search for the maximum independent set problem. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
37: 20-33, 2015 (pdf,
Elsevier. (Program
Code is HERE).
- Una Benlic and Jin-Kao
Hao. Memetic search for the quadratic assignment problem. Expert Systems with Applications
42(1): 584-595, 2015. (pdf,
Code is available HERE).
- Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao
Hao. Solving
the winner determination problem via a weighted maximum clique
heuristic. Expert Systems with Applications
42(1): 355-365, 2015 (pdf,
Code and data files are HERE).
- Eduardo
Rodriguez-Tello, Jin-Kao Hao, Hillel Romero-Monsivais. Boosting the
performance of metaheuristics for the MinLA problem using a more
discriminating evaluation function. Technical
Gazette 22(1):11-24, 2015 (pdf, doi)
- Xiujun
Zhang, Juan Zhao, Jin-Kao Hao, Xing-Ming Zhao, Lunan Chen. Conditional
mutual inclusive information enables accurate quantification of
associations in gene regulatory networks. Nucleic Acids Research
43(5):e31, 2015 (pdf,
- Xing-Ming Zhao, Ke-Qin Liu, Guanghui Zhu, Feng He, Béatrice
Jean-Michel Richer, De-Shuang Huang, Chang-Jun Jiang, Jin-Kao Hao,
Luonan Chen. Identifying cancer-related microRNAs based on gene
expression data. Bioinformatics
31(8):1226-34, 2015. (pdf,
- Wassim Ayadi and Jin-Kao Hao. A memetic algorithm for
negative correlation biclusters of DNA microarray data. Neurocomputing 145: 12-22, 2014
(pdf, doi) Elsevier.
- Yuning
Chen and
Jin-Kao Hao. A "reduce and solve" approach for the multiple-choice
multidimensional knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational
239(2): 313-322, 2014 (pdf,
Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE).
- Zhanghua
Fu and Jin-Kao Hao. Breakout local search for the Steiner tree problem
with revenue, budget and hop constraints. European Journal of Operational
Research 232(1):
2014 (pdf,
Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Gary Kochenberger, Jin-Kao
Hao, Fred Glover,
Mark Lewis, Zhipeng Lü, Haibo Wang, Yang Wang. The unconstrained
binary quadratic programming problem: a survey. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 28(1): 58-81, 2014. (pdf, doi) Springer
- Yan
Jin, Jin-Kao Hao, Jean-Philippe Hamiez. A
memetic algorithm for the minimum sum coloring problem. Computers
& Operations Research 43(3): 318-327, 2014. (pdf,
- Arnaud
Sébastien Verel, Jin-Kao Hao. A hybrid
metaheuristic for multiobjective unconstrained binary quadratic
programming. Applied Soft Computing 6:10-19, 2014. (pdf,
- Yang Wang, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover, Zhipeng
Lü. A
tabu search
based memetic algorithm for the maximum diversity problem. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
103-114, 2014. (pdf,
- Dominique Tessier, Sami Laroum,
Béatrice Duval, Emma M Rath, W. Bret Church, Jin-Kao Hao. In
silico evaluation of the influence of the translocon on partitioning of
membrane segments. BMC
Bioinformatics 15:156, (pdf,
doi) 2014.
- Yang
Wang, Zhipeng
Lü, Fred
Glover, Jin-Kao
Hao. Probabilistic
GRASP-tabu search
algorithms for the
UBQP problem. Computers
& Operations Research
40(12): 3100-3107, 2013. (pdf,
doi) Elsevier
- Qinghua Wu
and Jin-Kao Hao. A
hybrid metaheuristic method for
maximum diversity problem. European Journal of Operational
Research 231(2): 452-464, 2013.
- Qinghua
Wu and
Jin-Kao Hao. Memetic
search for the max-bisection problem. Computers
& Operations Research 40(1): 166-179, 2013. (pdf,
- Qinghua
Wu and
Jin-Kao Hao. An adaptive
multistart tabu search approach to solve the maximum clique problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 26(1): 86-108, 2013. (pdf, doi) Springer
- Jin-Kao Hao
and Qinghua
Wu. Improving the
extraction and expansion method for large graph coloring. Discrete Applied Mathematics 160(16-17): 2397-2407, 2012. (pdf, doi) Elsevier
- Qinghua
Wu and
Jin-Kao Hao. Coloring
large graphs based on independent set extraction. Computers
& Operations Research 39(2): 283-290, 2012. (pdf,
- Qinghua
Wu and
Jin-Kao Hao. An effective heuristic
for sum coloring of graphs. Computers
& Operations Research
39(7): 1593-1600, 2012. (pdf, doi) Elsevier
- Qinghua Wu, Jin-Kao
Hao, Fred Glover. Multi-neighborhood tabu search for the
weight clique problem. Annals
of Operations Research 196(1): 611-634, 2012. (pdf,
doi) Springer (Program
Code is HERE)
- Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao. An
extraction and expansion approach for graph coloring. Asia-Pacific
Journal of Operational Research 30(5): 1350018, 2013. (pdf,
doi) World Scientific
- Daniel
Cosmin Porumbel, Jin-Kao Hao, Pascale Kuntz. Informed reactive tabu search
for graph coloring. Asia-Pacific
Journal of Operational Research 30(4): 1350010 2013. (pdf,
World Scientific
- Una Benlic
and Jin-Kao Hao. Breakout
local search for
maximum clique problems.
& Operations Research 40(1): 192-206, 2013. (pdf,
- Una Benlic
and Jin-Kao Hao. Breakout
local search for
the max-cut problem.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence 26(3): 1162-1173, 2013. (pdf, doi)
- Una Benlic
and Jin-Kao Hao. Breakout
local search for the quadratic assignment problem. Applied
Mathematics and Computation 219(9):
4800-4815, 2013
(pdf, doi) Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE)
- Gary Kochenberger, Jin-Kao
Hao, Zhipeng Lü, Haibo Wang, Fred Glover. Solving
large scale max cut problems via
tabu search. Journal of
Heuristics 19(4):
565-571, 2013 (pdf, doi) Springer
- Xiujun
Zhang, Keqin Liu, Zhi-Ping Liu, Béatrice Duval, Jean-Michel Richer,
Xing-Ming Zhao, Jin-Kao Hao, Luonan Chen. NARROMI: a noise and
redundancy reduction technique improves accuracy of gene regulatory
network inference. Bioinformatics
29(1):106-13, 2013. (pdf,
- Zhipeng
Lü and
Jin-Kao Hao. Adaptive
neighborhood search
for nurse rostering. European Journal of Operational
865-876, 2012. (pdf,
- Zhipeng
Lü and Jin-Kao Hao. Adaptive
memory-based local
search for Max-SAT. Applied Soft Computing
16(8): 2063-2071, 2012. (pdf,
- Yang Wang, Zhipeng Lü, Fred Glover,
Jin-Kao Hao. Path relinking for
unconstrained binary
quadratic programming. European Journal of Operational
223(3): 595-604, 2012. (pdf,
- Yang Wang, Zhipeng
Lü, Fred
Glover, Jin-Kao
Hao. Backbone
guided tabu search for
solving the UBQP
problem. Journal of
Heuristics 19(4): 679-695,
2013 (pdf, doi) Springer
- Wassim Ayadi, Mourad
Elloumi, Jin-Kao Hao. BiMine+:
An efficient algorithm for discovering relevant
biclusters of DNA microarray data. Knowledge-based
35: 224-234, 2012. Draft (pdf,
doi) Elsevier
- Wassim Ayadi, Mourad
Elloumi, Jin-Kao Hao. BicFinder: A Biclustering
Algorithm for Microarray Data Analysis. Knowledge
and Information Systems: An International Journal
30(2): 341-358, 2012
- Wassim
Ayadi, Mourad Elloumi, Jin-Kao
Hao. Pattern-driven neighborhood search for biclustering of microarray
data. BMC
Bioinformatics 13(Suppl 7):S11, 2012. (pdf, doi)
- Rongqiang
Zeng, Matthieu Basseur,
Jin-Kao Hao. Solving bi-objective flow shop problem with hybrid path
relinking algorithm. Applied Soft Computing 13(10):
4118-4132, 2013. (pdf,
doi) Elsevier
- Matthieu Basseur, Rongqiang
Zeng, Jin-Kao Hao. Hypervolume-based multi-objective local search. Neural
Computing and Applications 21(8):
1917-1929, 2012, Draft (pdf,doi)
- Xiujun
Zhang, Xing-Ming Zhao, Kun He,
Le Lu, Yongwei Cao,
Jingdong Liu,
Jin-Kao Hao, Zhi-Ping Liu, Luonan Chen. Inferring gene regulatory
networks from gene expression data by PC-algorithm based on conditional
mutual information. Bioinformatics
28(1): 94-104, 2012. Draft (pdf,
- Ke-Qin
Liu, Zhi-Ping Liu, Jin-Kao Hao, Luonan Chen, Xing-Ming Zhao.
Identifying dysregulated pathways in cancers from pathway interaction
networks. BMC
Bioinformatics 13: 126, 2012.
Draft (pdf, doi)
- Daniel
Cosmin Porumbel, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred
Glover. A Simple and Effective Algorithm for the
MaxMin Diversity Problem. Annals
of Operations Research 186(1): 275-293, 2011. (pdf,doi) Springer (Program
Code is HERE)
- Daniel
Cosmin Porumbel, Jin-Kao Hao, Pascale Kuntz. An
Efficient Algorithm for Computing the Distance Between Close
Partitions. Discrete Applied Mathematics 159: 53-59, 2011. (pdf, doi) Elsevier
- Una
Benlic and Jin-Kao Hao. A multilevel memetic approach for improving
graph k-partitions. IEEE Transactions
on Evolutionary Computation 15(5): 624-472, 2011. (pdf, doi) IEEE
- Una Benlic and Jin-Kao Hao. An effective
multilevel tabu
search approach for balanced graph partitioning. Computers
& Operations Research
38(7): 1066-1075, 2011. (pdf, doi) Elsevier
- Jin-Kao Hao and Una
Benlic. Lower Bounds for the ITC-2007 Curriculum-Based Course
Timetabling Problem. European Journal of Operational
464-472, 2011.
- Zhipeng
Lü, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred
Glover. Neighborhood
Analysis: A Case Study on Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling. Journal of
17(2): 97-118, 2011. (pdf, doi) Springer
- Hakim Mabed, Alexandre
Caminada, Jin-Kao Hao. Genetic Tabu Search for robust
channel assignment under dynamic traffic data. Computational
Optimization and
Applications 50(3):
483-506, 2011. (pdf,doi)
- Fred Glover and
Jin-Kao Hao. The Case for Strategic Oscillation. Annals
of Operations Research 183(1): 163-173, 2011.
Draft (pdf,doi)
- Fred Glover,
Jin-Kao Hao, Gary
Kochenberger. Polynomial unconstrainted binary optimisation - Part
1. International
Journal of Metaheuristics
1(3):232-256, 2011. (pdf),
- Fred Glover,
Jin-Kao Hao, Gary
Kochenberger. Polynomial unconstrainted binary optimisation - Part
II. International
Journal of Metaheuristics 1(4):
317-354, 2011. (pdf),
- Zhipeng Lü, Fred
Glover, Jin-Kao
Hao. A Hybrid
Metaheuristic Approach to Solving the UBQP Problem. European Journal of Operational
2010. (pdf,
- Zhipeng Lü and
Jin-Kao Hao. A Memetic Algorithm for Graph
Coloring. European Journal of Operational
203(1): 241-250, 2010.
(pdf, doi) Elsevier (Program
Code is HERE,
Readme is HERE)
- Zhipeng Lü and
Jin-Kao Hao.
Adaptive Tabu Search for Course Timetabling. European Journal of Operational
200(1): 235-244, 2010. (pdf, doi) Elsevier
- Fred Glover, Zhipeng
Jin-Kao Hao. Diversification-Driven Tabu Search for
Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Problems. 4OR
-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 8(3): 239-253,
2010. Draft (pdf,
- Jean-Philippe
Hamiez, Jin-Kao
Hao, Fred
Glover. A study of tabu search for coloring
3-colorable graphs around phase
transition. International
Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing 1(4): 1-24, 2010. (pdf,
doi), IGI
- Giglia
Gomez Villouta, Jean-Philippe
Hamiez, Jin-Kao Hao. A
reinforced tabu search approch for 2D strip packing.
Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing 1(3): 20-36, 2010. (pdf, doi) IGI Global.
- Fred Glover and
Jin-Kao Hao. Fast 2-flip Move Evaluations for
Binary Unconstrained Quadratic Optimization Problems. International
Journal of Metaheuristics
1(2):100-107, 2010. Draft (pdf),
- Fred Glover and
Jin-Kao Hao. Efficient Evaluation for Solving 0-1 Unconstrained
Quadratic Optimization Problems. International
Journal of Metaheuristics 1(1): 3-10,
2010. (pdf),
- Daniel
Cosmin Porumbel, Jin-Kao Hao, Pascale Kuntz. An
Evolutionary Approach with Diversity Guarantee and Well-Informed
Grouping Recombination for Graph Coloring. Computers
& Operations Research 37(10):
1822-1832, 2010. (pdf, doi) Elsevier
- Daniel
Cosmin Porumbel, Jin-Kao Hao, Pascale Kuntz. A Search Space Cartography
for Guiding Graph Coloring Heuristics. Computers
& Operations Research 37(4):
769-778, 2010. (pdf, doi) Elsevier
- Edmundo Bonilla Huerta,
Béatrice Duval, Jin-Kao Hao, A Hybrid
LDA and Genetic Algorithm for Gene Selection and Classification of
Microarray Data. Neurocomputing
73(13-15): 2375-2383, 2010.
(pdf, doi) Elsevier
(Extended version of PRIB'08 paper)
- Béatrice
Duval and Jin-Kao Hao.
Advances in
Metaheuristics for Gene Selection and Classification of Microarray
Data. Briefings
in Bioinformatics 11(1): 127-141, 2010. (pdf),
- Valérie
and Jin-Kao Hao. Transit Network Timetabling and Vehicle
Assignment for Regulating Authorities. Computers
& Industrial Engineering 59(1):
16-23, 2010. (pdf,
doi) Elsevier
- Benoit Laurent and
Jin-Kao Hao. Iterated Local Search for the Multiple Depot Vehicle
Scheduling Problem. Computers
& Industrial Engineering 57(1): 277-286,
2009. (pdf,
doi), Elsevier
- Benoit Laurent and
Jin-Kao Hao. List Graph Coloring for Multi-depot Vehicle
Scheduling. International
Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research
1(1-2): 228-245, 2009. (pdf),
- Wassim Ayadi, Mourad
Elloumi, Jin-Kao Hao. A Biclustering Algorithm
based on a Bicluster Enumeration Tree: Application to DNA Microarray
Data. BioData Mining 2:9, 2009.
(pdf, doi), Springer
- Jean-Philippe Hamiez,
Jin-Kao Hao. Using Solution Properties within an Enumerative Search to
Solve a Sports League Scheduling Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics
156(10): 1683-1693, 2008. (pdf) Elsevier
- Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello,
Jin-Kao Hao, José Torres-Jimenez. An improved
Annealing algorithm for bandwidth minimization. European
Journal of Operational
Research 185(3):
1319-1335, 2008. (pdf)
- Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello,
Jin-Kao Hao and José Torres-Jimenez. An effective two-stage
simulated annealing algorithm for the Minimum Linear Arrangement
problem. Computers
& Operations Research 35(10):
2008. (pdf) Elsevier
- Valérie Guihaire
and Jin-Kao Hao. Transit network design and scheduling: a global
review. Transportation
Research Part A: Policy and Practice
42: 1251-1273, 2008. (pdf,
- Adrien Goëffon,
Jean-Michel Richer and Jin-Kao Hao, Progressive tree neighborhood
applied to the Maximum Parsimony problem. IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Computational
Biology and Bioinformatics 5(1):
136-145, 2008. (pdf,
CSP. Software
is available HERE.
- Edmundo Bonilla Huerta,
Béatrice Duval and Jin-Kao Hao, Fuzzy logic for elimination
of redundant information of microarray data. Genomics Proteomics &
61-73, 2008. (pdf) Elsevier
- Benoit Laurent and Jin-Kao
Hao. Simultaneous vehicle and driver scheduling: a case study in a
limousine rental company. Computers
& Industrial Engineering 53(3):
542-558, 2007. (pdf,
- Frédéric
Lardeux, Frédéric Saubion and Jin-Kao Hao, GASAT:
a genetic local search algorithm for the satisfibility problem. Evolutionary
Computation 14(2):
223-253, 2006. (pdf)
- José Crispin
Hernandez Hernandez, Béatrice Duval and Jin-Kao Hao. A
technique based on SVM-RFE for selection and classification of
microarray data. Research
Computing Science 23: 99-107, 2006.
- Hakim
Mabed, Alexandre
Caminada and Jin-Kao Hao, Impact of tradeoff between blocking and
interference on TDMA cell capacity planning. International Journal of Mobile
Network Design and Innovation,
(1)1:24-33, 2005. Inderscience
- Hervé Deleau,
Jin-Kao Hao and Frédéric Saubion, Hybrid
strategies for solving constraint satisfaction problems (in French). RAIRO
Operational Research 39:87-103,
2005. (pdf)
- Jean-Philippe Hamiez and
Jin-Kao Hao, A linear-time algorithm to solve the sports league
scheduling problem. Discrete
Applied Mathematics 143:
252-265, 2004.
- Philippe Galinier and
Jin-Kao Hao, A general approach for constraint solving by local search.
Journal of
Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 3(1):
73-88, 2004. (pdf) Springer
- Vincent Barichard and
Jin-Kao Hao, Genetic tabu search for the multi-objective knapsack
problem. Journal
of Tsinghua Science and Technology,
8(1): 8-13, 2003. (pdf) Elsevier.
- Michel Vasquez and Jin-Kao
Hao, Upper bounds for the SPOT 5 daily photograph scheduling problem. Journal
of Combinatorial Optimization 7(1): 87-103, 2003.
(pdf) Springer. Benchmark
instances are HERE.
- Michel
Vasquez and Jin-Kao
Hao, A "logic-constrained" knapsack formulation and a Tabu algorithm
for the daily photograph scheduling of an earth observation satellite. Computational
Optimization and
Applications 20(2):
137-157, 2001.
(pdf) Springer. Benchmark
instances are HERE.
- Nicolas
Pech-Gourg, Jin-Kao Hao,
Métaheuristiques pour l'optimisation de règles de
classification de bouchons naturels en liege. Revue d'Intelligence
785-806, Hermes,
- Michel Vasquez and Jin-Kao
Hao, A heuristic approach for antenna positioning in cellular networks.
Journal of
7(5): 443-472, 2001.
(pdf) Springer
- Michel
Vasquez and Jin-Kao
Hao, Une approche hybride pour le problème de
sac-à-dos multidimensionnel. RAIRO
Operational Research 35(4): 415-438,
2001. (pdf)
- Philippe Galinier and
Jin-Kao Hao, Hybrid evolutionary algorithms for graph coloring. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 3(4): 379-397, 1999. (pdf) Springer
- Jin-Kao Hao, Philippe
Galinier and Michel Habib, Metaheuristiques pour l'optimisation
combinatoire et l'affectation sous contraintes. Revue
Artificielle 13(2):
283-324, 1999. (pdf)
- Jin-Kao Hao,
Raphaël Dorne and Philippe Galinier, Tabu search for frequency
assignment in mobile radio networks. Journal
of Heuristics 4(1):
47-62, 1998. (pdf) Springer
in Conference Proceedings
- Vorapong Suppakitpaisarn and Jin-Kao Hao. Utilizing graph
sparsification for pre-processing in max cut QUBO solver. Proceedings
of the 15th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2024), 4-7
June 2024, Lorient, France. (pdf,
- He Zheng and Jin-Kao Hao. Breakout local search for the heaviest subgraph problem. Proceedings of the 15th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC
2024), 4-7 June 2024, Lorient, France (pdf,
- Cyril
Grelier, Olivier Goudet, Jin-Kao Hao. A memetic algorithm with
adaptive operator selection for graph coloring. Proceedings of the
24nd European
Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization
(EvoCOP 2024), 3-5 April 2024, Wales, UK, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 14632: 1–16, 2024 (pdf,
Springer. (Program
Code is available HERE)
- Jean Pinsolle, Olivier Goudet, Cyrille Enderli, Jin-Kao Hao. A
memetic algorithm for deinterleaving pulse trains. Proceedings of
the 23nd European
Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization
(EvoCOP 2023), 12-14 April 2023, Brno, Czech Republic, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 13987: 66-81. (pdf,
- Cyril
Grelier, Olivier Goudet, Jin-Kao Hao. Monte Carlo Tree Search with
adaptive simulation: A case study on weighted vertex coloring. Proceedings of the 23nd European
Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization
(EvoCOP 2023), 12-14 April, 2023, Brno, Czech Republic, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 13987: 98-113. (pdf,
Springer. (Program
Code is available HERE)
- Thibaut
Bellanger, Matthieu Le Berre, Manuel Clergue, Jin-Kao Hao. A one-vs-one
approach to improve tangled program graph performance on classification
tasks. Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on
Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2023), Rome, Italy, November 13-15,
2023, Volume 1, 53-63. (nominé pour le meilleur article).
- Cyril Grelier, Olivier Goudet, Jin-Kao Hao. On monte carlo
search for weighted vertex voloring. Proceedings of the 22nd European
Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization
(EvoCOP 2022), 20-22 April, 2022, Madrid, Spain, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 13222: 1-16. (pdf,
Springer. (Program
Code is available HERE)
- Jintong Ren, Jin-Kao Hao, Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello. A study
of recombination operators for the Cyclic Bandwidth Problem. In Idoumghar et al.
(Eds.) Revised
selected papers,
14th International Conference on Artificial Evolution (EA 2019),
France, October 29-30,
2019, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 12052: 177-191, 2020. (pdf,
- Wen Sun, Jin-Kao Hao, Xiangjing Lai, Qinghua Wu. On
feasible and infeasible search for equitable graph coloring. Proceedings
of GECCO-2017, pages 369-376, July 15-19, 2017. Berlin,
Germany. (pdf) ACM
- Yangming
Zhou and Jin-Kao Hao. A fast heuristic algorithm for the critical node
problem. GECCO-2017
Companon, pages 121-122,
July 15-19, 2017. Berlin, Germany. (pdf) ACM
- Arnaud Liefooghe, Sébastien Verel, Luis Paquete,
Jin-Kao Hao. Experiments on Local Search for bi-objective unconstrained
binary quadratic programming.In A. Gaspar-Cunha et al. (Eds):
EMO 2015, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 9018: 171-186, 2015. (pdf)
- Brahim Chabane, Matthieu Basseur, Jin-Kao Hao. A practical
of the multiobjective knapsack problem: Design, modelling, tests and
analysis. In L. Jourdan et al. (Eds.): LION 2015, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 8994: 1–7, 2015. (Short paper) (pdf)
- Inès Sghir,
Jin-Kao Hao,
Inès Ben Jaafar, Khaled Ghédira. A distributed hybrid algorithm for
the graph coloring problem.
and revised paper from AE 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2016 (to appear). (pdf)
- Zhanghua Fu and Jin-Kao
Hao. Knowledge Guided Tabu Search for the Prize Collecting Steiner Tree
Problem in Graphs. Workshop of the 11th DIMACS Implementation Challenge
in Collaboration with ICERM: Steiner Tree Problems. Providence, Rhode
Island, USA, December 4-5, 2014. (pdf). (Informal Proceedings)
- Una Benlic
and Jin-Kao Hao. Breakout
local search for the vertex separator problem. In F. Rossi (Ed.): Proc.
of the 23th Intl. Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-13), IJCAI/AAAI Press, pages 461-467, Beijing,
August 2013. (pdf). (Program
Code is available HERE)
- Una Benlic
and Jin-Kao Hao. A
study of adaptive diversification strategy for iterated local search.
In M. Middendorf and
C. Blum (Eds.):
EvoCOP 2013, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 7832: 61-72, 2013. (pdf)
- François
Schwarzentruber and Jin-Kao Hao. Drawing Euler diagrams from region
connection calculus specifications with local search. In E. Fermé and
J. Leite (Eds.): JELIA 2014, Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence 8761: 582-590, 2014.
5system demonstration paper) (pdf)
Springer. (The
drwaing software tool is available here).
- Olivier
Gach and Jin-Kao Hao.
Improving the Louvain algorithm for community detection with modularity
maximization. In P. Legrand et al. (Eds): Selected and revised paper
from AE 2013, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 8752: 145-156, 2014. (pdf)
Springer. (Program
Code is available HERE)
- Inès Sghir,
Jin-Kao Hao,
Ines Ben Jaafar, Khaled Ghédira. A Recombination-based tabu search algorithm for
winner determination problem. In P.
Legrand et al (Eds): Selected
and revised paper from AE 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
157-168, 2014. (pdf)
- Rongqiang
Zeng, Matthieu Basseur,
Jin-Kao Hao. Hypervolume-Based Multi-Objective Path Relinking
Algorithm. In P. C. Purshouse, P. J. Fleming and C. M. Fonseca (Eds.):
EMO 2013, Lecture Notes
in Computer
Science 7811: 185-199, 2013. (pdf)
- Oliver
Gach and Jin-Kao Hao. A Memetic Algorithm for Community Detection in
Complex Networks. In C. Coello Coello, V. Cutello, K. Deb, S.
Forrest, G. Nicosia, M. Pavone (Eds.): PPSN 2012,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7492: 327-336, 2012.
- Qinghua
Wu and
Jin-Kao Hao. A
Memetic Approach for the Max-Cut Problem. In C. Coello Coello,
Cutello, K. Deb, S.
Forrest, G. Nicosia, M. Pavone (Eds.): PPSN 2012,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7492: 297-306, 2012.
- Una Benlic
and Jin-Kao Hao. A
Study of Breakout Local Search for the Minimum
Sum Coloring problem. In L. T. Bui et al. (Eds.) SEAL 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7673: 128-137, 2012. (pdf)
- Yang Wang,
Zhipeng Lu, Fred Glover, Jin-Kao
Hao. A Multilevel
Algorithm for Large Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Optimization. In N.
Beldiceanu, N. Jussien, E.
Pinson (Eds.): CPAIOR 2012,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7298: 395-408, 2012. (pdf)
- Sami Laroum,
Tessier, Béatrice Duval, Jin-Kao Hao. A genetic
algorithm for scaled-based translocon simulation. In T. Shibuya, H.
Kashima, J. Sese, S. Ahmad (Eds.): PRIB 2012, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science
7632: 2012. (pdf)
- Daniel
Porumbel, Jin-Kao Hao, Pascale Kuntz. Spacing memetic algorithms.
Proceedings of GECCO-2011, pages 1061-1068,
July 12-16, 2011. Dublin, Ireland. Draft (pdf) ACM
- Yang Wang, Zhipeng
Lu, Fred Glover, Jin-Kao Hao. Effective
Variable Fixing and Scoring Strategies for Binary Quadratic
Programming. In P. Merz, J.K. Hao. (Eds.): EvoCOP 2011,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6622: 72-83,
2011. (pdf)
- Sami Laroum, Dominique
Tessier, Béatrice Duval, Jin-Kao Hao. Multi-neighborhood
search for discrimination of signal peptides and transmembrane segments. In
M. Giacobini, M.D.
Ritchie, C.
Pizzuti (Eds.): EvoBIO
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6623: 134-145, 2011. (pdf)
- Yang Wang, Zhipeng
Lü, Jin-Kao Hao. A Study of
Multi-Parent Crossover Operator in a Memetic Algorithm. In R.
Schaerfer et al. (Eds.): PPSN 2010,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6238: 556-565,
2010. (pdf)
- Zhipeng
Lü, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover. A Study of Memetic
Search with Multi-parent Combination for UBQP.
In P.I. Cowling, P. Merz (Eds.): EvoCOP 2010,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6022: 145-165, 2010. (pdf)
- Una Benlic and Jin-Kao Hao. An Effective Multilevel Memetic
Algorithm for
Balanced Graph Partitioning. In E. Grégoire (Ed.): ICTAI
2010, pages 121-128,
2010. (pdf) IEEE
- Wassim Ayadi, Mourad
Elloumi, Jin-Kao Hao. Iterated Local Search for
Biclustering of Microarray Data. In T. Dijkstra et al. (Eds.). PRIB
Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics 6282: 211-221, 2010. (pdf)
- Sami Laroum, Dominique
Tessier, Béatrice Duval, Jin-Kao Hao. A Local
Search Approach for Transmembrane Segment and Signal Peptide
Discrimination. In C.
Pizzuti, M.D. Ritchie, M. Giacobini (Eds.): EvoBIO 2010,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6023: 134-145, 2010. (pdf)
- Giglia
Gomez Villouta, Jean-Philippe Hamiez, Jin-Kao Hao.Tabu
Search with Consistent Neighbourhood for Strip Packing. In C. Fyfe, N.
Garcia-Pedrajas, F. Herrera, M. Ali (Eds.): IEA/AIE 2010, Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence 6096:
1-10, 2010. (pdf)
- Valérie Guihaire
and Jin-Kao Hao. Improving
Timetable Quality in Scheduled Transit Networks. In C. Fyfe,
N. Garcia-Pedrajas, F. Herrera, M. Ali (Eds.): IEA/AIE 2010, Lecture Notes in Artificial
2096: 21-30, 2010. (pdf)
- Zhipeng
Lü, Fred Glover, Jin-Kao Hao. Neighborhood
Combination for Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Problems. Metaheuristics
International Conference (MIC-2009), extended version, 2012 (pdf).
- Béatrice Duval,
Jin-Kao Hao, José
Hernandez Hernandez. A
Memetic Algorithm for Gene Selection and Molecular Classification of
Cancer. Proc. of 11th Annual Conference on Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation
pages 201-208, Montreal,
Canada, July 2009. ACM Press.
(pdf) ACM
- Jean-Michel
Richer, Adrien Goëffon, Jin-Kao Hao. A Memetic Algorithm for
Phylogenetic Reconstruction with Maximum Parsimony. In C.
Pizzuti, M.D. Ritchie, and M. Giacobini (Eds.): EvoBIO 2009,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5483:
164-175, 2009. (pdf)
- Zhipeng
Lü and Jin-Kao Hao. A Critical Element-Guided
Perturbation Strategy for Iterated Local Search. In C. Cotta
and P. Cowling
(Eds.): EvoCOP 2009,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5482:
1–12. 2009. (pdf)
- Jean-Philippe
Hamiez, Julien Robet, Jin-Kao Hao. A Tabu Search Algorithm with Direct
Representation for
Strip Packing. In C.
and P. Cowling (Eds.): EvoCOP 2009, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science
61–72, 2009. (pdf)
- Daniel
Cosmin Porumbel, Jin-Kao Hao, Pascale Kuntz. Position-Guided
Tabu Search Algorithm for the Graph Coloring Problem.
In T. Stuetzle (Ed.), selected
papers from Learning and
Intelligent OptimizatioN (LION III),
Lecture Notes
in Computer
Science 5851: 148-162, 2009. (pdf)
- Daniel
Cosmin Porumbel, Jin-Kao Hao, Pascale Kuntz. Diversity Control and
Multi-Parent Recombination for Evolutionary Graph Coloring Algorithms. In C.
Cotta and P. Cowling (Eds.): EvoCOP 2009 (Best
Paper Nominee), Lecture
Notes in Computer
5482: 121–132, 2009. (pdf)
- Valérie Guihaire
and Jin-Kao Hao. Transit network re-timetabling and vehicle
scheduling? Le Thi Hoai An, Pascal Bouvry, Pham Dinh Tao (Eds.): MCO
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 14:
Springer, 2008 (pdf)
- Edmundo Bonilla Huerta,
Béatrice Duval and Jin-Kao Hao, Gene selection for
Microarray data by a LDA-based genetic algorithm. Madhu Chetty, Alioune
Ngom, Shandar Ahmad (Eds.): PRIB 2008, Lecture
Notes in Bioinformatics 5265:
252-263, Springer-Verlag,
2008 (pdf)
- José Crispin
Hernandez Hernandez, Béatrice Duval and Jin-Kao Hao,
SVM-based local search for gene selection and classification of
Microarray data. Communications
in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 13: 599-598, Springer, 2008 (pdf)
- Zhipeng Lü and
Jin-Kao Hao. Solving the course timetabling problem with a hybrid
heuristic algorithm. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 5253: 262-273, Springer, 2008, Draft (pdf)
- Benoït Laurent
and Jin-Kao Hao, Simultaneous vehicle and crew scheduling for extra
urban transports. Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5027:
466–475, Springer, 2008, Draft (pdf)
- Benoit Laurent and Jin-Kao
Hao, A study of neighborhood structures for the multiple depot vehicle
scheduling problem. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 4638:
197-201, Springer, 2007 (pdf)
- Daniel Porumbel, Jin-Kao
Hao and Pascale Kuntz, A study of evaluation functions for the graph
K-coloring problem. Selected papers from the 8th International
Conference on Artificial Evolution (AE-07). Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 4926:
Springer, 2008. (pdf)
- José Crispin
Hernandez Hernandez, Béatrice Duval and Jin-Kao
Hao. A study of crossover operators for gene selection of
microarray data. Selected papers from the 8th International Conference
on Artificial Evolution (AE-07). Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 4926:
243-254, Springer, 2008. (pdf)
- José Crispin
Hernandez Hernandez, Béatrice Duval and Jin-Kao Hao. A
genetic embedded approach for gene selection and classification of
microarray data. EvoBIO
2007, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 4447:
90-101, Springer, 2007. (pdf) Springer
- Giglia
Gomez Villouta, Jean-Philippe
Hamiez, Jin-Kao Hao. A dedicated genetic
algorithm for two-dimensional non-guillotine strip packing.
MICAI 2007, Special Session, pages 264-274, 2007. (pdf) IEEE
- Jean-Michel Richer, Vincent
Derrien, and Jin-Kao Hao. A new dynamic programming algorithm for
multiple sequence alignment. COCOA
2007, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 4616:
52-61, Springer-Verlag, 2007. (pdf)
- Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello,
Jin-Kao Hao and José Torres-Jimenez, A refined
evaluation function for the MinLA problem. Lecture
Notes in Artificial
4293: 392-403, Springer-Verlag, 2006 (5th Mexican International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, Best paper award, 3rd price), (pdf)
- Jean-Philippe Hamiez and
Jin-Kao Hao, Sports league scheduling: enumerative searh for Prob026
from CSPLib. CP-06,
Notes in Computer Science 4204:
716-720, Springer-Verlag, 2006. (pdf)
- Adrien Goëffon,
Jean-Michel Richer and Jin-Kao Hao, A distance-based information
preservation tree crossover for the maximum parsimony problem. PPSN-06,
Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 4193:
761-770, Springer-Verlag,
2006. (pdf)
Software is available HERE.
- Edmundo Bonilla Huerta,
Béatrice Duval and Jin-Kao Hao, A hybrid GA/SVM approach for
gene selection and classification of Microarry data. EvoWorkshops
2006, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 3907:
34-44, Springer, 2006.
(pdf) Springer
- Benoit Laurent, Valerie
Guihaire and Jin-Kao Hao, A heuristic solution for a driver-vehicule
scheduling problem. Operations Research Proceedings 2005: 703-708,
Springer-Verlag, 2006. (pdf)
- Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello,
Jin-Kao Hao and Jose Torres-Jimenez, Memetic algorithms for the MinLA
problem. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 3871:
73-84, Springer-Verlag, 2006. (pdf)
- Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello,
Jin-Kao Hao and J. Torres-Jimenez, A comparison of memetic
recombination operators for the MinLA problem. MICAI-05, Lecture
Notes in Computer
Science 3789:
613-622, Springer, 2005. (pdf)
- Adrien Goëffon,
Jean-Michel Richer and Jin-Kao Hao, Local search for the maximum
parsimony problem. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 3612:
678-683. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (pdf)
- Vincent Derrien, J.M.
Richer and Jin-Kao Hao, Plasma, a progressive algorithm for multiple
sequence alignment (in French). Proceedings
of French Open Days on Biology, Computer Science and Mathematics
Lyon, July 6-8 2005. (pdf).
To use our Plasma multiple alignment tool, click here.
- Frédéric
Lardeux, Frédéric Saubion and Jin-Kao Hao, Three
truth values for SAT and MAX-SAT problems. Proc.
of the 19th International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-05), pp187-192, Edinburgh, July-August, 2005. (pdf)
- Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello,
Jin-Kao Hao, Jose Torres-Jimenez, An improved evaluation function for
the bandwidth minimization problem. PPSN-04, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 3242:
650-659, Springer-Verlag, 2004. (pdf)
- Vincent Barichard,
Hervé Deleau, Jin-Kao Hao, Frédéric
Saubion, A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for constraint satisfaction
problems. Selected papers
from AE-03, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 2936:
79-90, Springer-Verlag, 2004. (pdf)
- Frédéric
Lardeux, Frédéric Saubion and Jin-Kao Hao,
Recombination operators for satisfiability problems. Selected papers from AE-03, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 2936: 103-114,
Springer-Verlag, 2004. (pdf)
- Vincent Barichard and
Jin-Kao Hao, A population and interval constraint propagation
algorithm. EMO-03,
Notes in Computer Science 2632:
88-101, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
- Jin-Kao Hao,
Frédéric Lardeux and
Frédéric Saubion, Evolutionary computing for the
satisfiability problem.
EvoWorkshops 2003, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 2611:
258-268, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
- Hakim Mabed, Alexandre
Caminada and Jin-Kao Hao, Multi-period channel assignment. PWC-02, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2775: 541-554, Springer-Verlag, 2003. (pdf)
- Hakim Mabed, Alexandre
Caminada, Jin-Kao Hao and Denis Renaud, A dynamic traffic model for
frequency assignment.PPSN-02, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 2439: 779-788,
Springer-Verlag, 2002. (pdf)
- Jean-Philippe Hamiez and
Jin-Kao Hao, Scatter search for graph coloring. Selected papers
from AE-01, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 2310: 168-179, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
- Mériéma
Bélaidouni and Jin-Kao Hao, SAT, local search dynamics and
density of states.
Selected papers from
AE-01, Leture
Notes in Computer Science 2310: 192-204,
Springer, 2002. (pdf)
- Jean-Philippe Hamiez and
Jin-Kao Hao, Solving the sports league scheduling problem with Tabu
search. Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2148:
24-36, Springer-Verlag, 2001. (pdf).
- Michel Vasquez and Jin-Kao
Hao, A hybrid approach for the multidimensional 0-1 knapsack problem. Proc. of the 17th Intl. Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-01), pages 328-333, Seattle, Washington, USA,
August 2001. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. (pdf)
- Nicolas Pech-Gourg and
Jin-Kao Hao, A genetic algorithm for the classification of natural
corks. Proc. of
2001 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
pages 1382-1388, San Francisco, California, July 2001. Morgan Kaufmann
- Mériéma
Bélaidouni and Jin-Kao Hao, Analysis of the configuration
space of the maximal constraint satisfaction problem. PPSN-00, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1917: 49-58,
Springer-Verlag, 2000
- Mériéma
Bélaidouni and Jin-Kao Hao, Landscapes of the maximal
constraint satisfaction problem. AE-00, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 1829: 244-255,
Springer-Verlag, 2000.
- Mériéma
Bélaidouni and Jin-Kao Hao, A measure of combinational
landscape difficulty for the Metropolis algorithm. Artificial Intelligence and
Mathematics VI,
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, January 2000. (postscript)
- Jean-Philippe Hamiez and
Jin-Kao Hao, Recherche tabou et planification de rencontres sportives
Tabu Search and sports league scheduling. RFIA 2000, Paris, Jan. 2000. (pdf)
- Raphaël Dorne and
Jin-Kao Hao, A new genetic local search algorithm for graph coloring.
PPSN-98, Lecture
Notes in Computer
Science 1498:
745-754, Springer-Verlag,
Sept. 1998. (Best
Paper Nominee,
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN
V, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Sept, 1998) (pdf)
- Jin-Kao Hao, Evelyne
Lutton, Edmund Ronald, Marc Schoenauer and D. Snyers (Eds.), Selected
papers from the
European Conference on Artificial Evolution (AE-97), Nimes, Oct. 1997, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1363, ISBN 3-540-64169-6, Springer-Verlag, 349
pages, February 1998.
- Jin-Kao Hao and
Jérôme Pannier, Simulated annealing and tabu
search for constraint solving. Artificial
Intelligence and Mathematics V,
Electronic Proceeding http://rutcor.rutgers.edu/~amai/Proceedings.html,
January 1998.
- Jin-Kao Hao and
Jérôme Pannier, Etude expérimentale de
recherche locale pour la résolution de contraintes. 11eme Congres on Reconnaissance des
Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA-98), Vol. II, pp97-106, Jan. 1998.
- Philippe Galinier and
Jin-Kao Hao, Tabu search for maximal constraint satisfaction problems.
CP-97, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science
1330: 196-208,
Springer-Verlag, Nov.,
1997. (pdf)
- Raphaël Dorne and
Jin-Kao Hao, Constraint handling in evolutionary search: a case study
on frequency assignment. PPSN-96, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 1141 :
801-810, Sept. 1996.
- Jin-Kao Hao and
Raphaël Dorne, Empirical studies of heuristic local search for
constraint solving. CP-96, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 1118: 194-208,
Aug. 1996. (pdf)
- Jin-Kao Hao and Laurent.
Tetart, CH-SAT: a complete procedure for satisfiability problems. ECAI-96 Workshop on Advances in
Propositional Deduction,
pp27-38, Aug. 1996. (pdf)
- Raphaël Dorne and
Jin-Kao Hao, An evolutionary approach for frequency assignment in
cellular radio networks. Proc.
of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Evolutionary Computation, Perth, Australia, Nov.-Dec. 1995, IEEE Press.
- Jin-Kao Hao and
Raphaël Dorne, Study of genetic search for the frequency
assignment problem. AE-1995 Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 1063: 333-344,
Sept. 1995. (pdf)
- Jin-Kao Hao, A clausal
genetic representation and its related evolutionary procedures for
satisfiability problems. Proc.
of Intl. Conf. on Artificial Neural Nets & Genetic Algorithms, pp289-295, April 1995.
- Jin-Kao Hao and
Raphaël Dorne, A new population-based method for
satisfiability problems. Proc.
of 11th European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-94), John Wiley & Sons, pp135-139,
Amsterdam, Aug. 1994. (pdf)
- Jin-Kao Hao and Raphaël Dorne, An empirical
comparison of two evolutionary methods for satisfiability problems. Proc.
of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC-94),
IEEE Press,
pp450-455, June-July 1994. (pdf)
- Jin-Kao Hao, Jean-Jacques Chabrier. A partial evaluator and
its application to constraint logic programming. Proc. of 3rd Intl. Conf. of
Young Computer Scientists, pp2.23-2.28, Beijing, Chine,
July 1993, Tsinghua University Press.
- Jin-Kao Hao, François Trousset,
Jean-Jacques Chabrier,
Prototyping an Inconsistency Checking Tool for Software Process Models.
Proc. of The
4th Intl.
Conf. on on
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE-92), pages
227-234, June, 15-20 1992, Capri, Italy. Press of
Knowhttps://web.fe.up.pt/~epia2017/ledge Systems
1992. (pdf)
- Jin-Kao Hao, Jean-Jacques Chabrier, A modular
for constraint logic programming. Proc.
of 19th ACM Computer Science Conference (ACM CSC-91), San
Antonio, ACM Press, pp203-210, March 1991.
- Jin-Kao Hao, Jean-Jacques Chabrier, Combining partial
evaluation and
constraint solving: a new approach to constraint logic programming. Proc. of 2nd IEEE Intl. Conf. on
Tools for Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI-90), pp494-500,
Washington D.C., Nov. 1990, IEEE CS Press. (pdf)
- Jin-Kao
Hao, Jean-Jacques Chabrier, An Interval calculus based Finite Domain
Constraint Solver and its implementation in Prolog. Prof
of 5th Rocky Mountain Conference on Artificial Intelligence (RMCAI-90),
At Las Cruces New Mexico USA, Volume: Pragmatics in Artificial
Intelligence pp 326- 331. 1990. (pdf)
and tutorial
- Jin-Kao
Hao, Metaheuristics for combinatorial optimization (slides of a
tutorial). April 2001 (English version is here pdf)
(French version is here pdf)
- Jin-Kao
Hao, Metaheuristics for combinatorial optimization and constrained
solving (in French). Habilitation thesis (Professorship
Diploma), Univerisity of Montpellier II, January 1998.
- Jin-Kao
Hao, A study of partial evaluation for constraint logic programming (in
French). Ph.D thesis, Université de
Franch-Comté (defended at the Université de
February 1991.
- Jin-Kao Hao, Rapid prototyping in Prolog. Master thesis, INSA
de Lyon, 1997.