of Advisory and Editorial Board for the Following International
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation (SWEVO) (2024 - ) (Associate Editor)
- Computers & Operations Research (C&OR) (2016 - ) (Editorial Advisory Board)
- Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA) (2020 - ) (Associate Editor)
- Intelligent Systems with Applications (ISWA) (2021 - ) (Associate Editor)
- International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT) (2016 - ) (Associate Editor)
- PeerJ Computer Science (2017 -) (Associate Editor)
- International
Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (2010 - ) (Associate Editor)
- Social Sciences & Humanities Open (2018 - 2021) (Editorial Board)
- Journal of Optimization (2012 - 2017) (Editorial Board)
- International
Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research (2009 - ) (Editorial Board)
- The Scientific World Journal – Operations Research Section (2013 - 2015) (Editorial Board)
- Bioinformatics
and Biology Insights (2003 - ) (Editorial Board)
- International
Journal of Mobile Network Design
and Innovation (2000 - 2008) (Editorial Board)
for the following Journals (no more updated since 2008)
- Journal of Heuristics (1999,
2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
- Journal of Computational
Optimization and Applications (2004,
2007, 2008)
- Evolutionary Computation
Journal (1999, 2000, 2007, 2008)
- Journal of Scheduling (2008)
- Journal of Combinatorial
Optimization (2001, 2002)
- INFORMS Journal on Computing
(2003, 2006, 2007)
- European Journal of
Operational Research (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2004, 2005, 2008)
- International Transactions
on Operational Research (2006)
- Discrete Applied Mathematics
(2000, 2003, 2008)
- Natural Computing (2008)
- Journal of Mathematical
Modelling and Algorithms (2003, 2007)
- Annals of Operations
Research (2001, 2003)
- RAIRO Operational Research
(1999, 2004, 2005)
- Journal
of Artificial Evolution and Applications
- Journal of Artificial
Intelligence Research (2002)
- Constraints, an
International Journal (2001, 2003)
- Journal of Computer Science
and Technology (2008)
- IEEE Transactions on
Evolutionary Computation (1997, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003, 2005)
- IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics- Bart B (2007,
- IEEE Transaction on CAS
- IEEE Transactions on
Wireless Communications (2002)
- Mobile Networks and
Applications (MONET): Special Issue on
"Algorithmic Solutions for Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor
Networks" (2003)
- Computers and Industrial
Engineering, Focused Issue on "Applied
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Future Generation Computer
Systems : Special Issue on Ant Colony
Optimization (2000)
- Maghreb Mathematical Review
- Revue Africaine de la
Recherche en Informatique et de
Mathematiques Appliquées (2007)