Arbalet Tutorial

Table of Contents

Download data files

Create a local directory on your computer:

mkdir arbalet
cd arbalet

For this tutorial we will need the following files:

Please download those files and store them in a local directory on your computer.

Start Arbalet

Download the Arbalet JAR (arbalet-1.0.jar) file and save it in the same directory as the data files.

In the same terminal type:

java -jar arbalet-1.0.jar

Load trees

To open a file, in the menu of the application, choose File > Open

In the File Selection window, choose:

File Selection

Then click on Ok, a window will open and display the tree:

Tree displayed

Load the other tree zilla_16219.newick the same way.

In the menu of the application, choose Preferences > Order All Windows > Horizontaly

Tree displayed

Edit tree

In window 2, click on the root of the subtree (Pachysand,(Tetracent,Trochoden)) to select it, then right click on the root node and choose cut.

cut subtree

Then click on the Gunnera node, right click to open a context menu and choose Paste.

paste subtree

The new parsimony score of the tree is now 16224.

Tree displayed

Go back to the original tree by choosing twice in the application menu: Edit > Previous . The parsimony score should be back to 16219.

Compare trees

In the menu of the application, choose Tools > Compare trees.

In the Tree Comparator window, select:

Then click on the Compare button to find how many transformation are needed to transform the tree of score 16219 into the tree of score 16218.

Compare Trees

By default the Bottom-Up method is selected but you could also use :